




1.客户编号 City/Town 城市/镇 2 UCI/Cpent ID 通用客户识别号码 2 Nickname/Apas Family name 姓 3 ...

6.客户标识型:线程(Type: thread) 对象体属性 客户标识cpent id) 线程上下文(thread context) 动态优先级(dynamic priority) 处 …


1.Do not lose your personal ID (Cpent ID) as you will need it in the future.不要丢失你的个人认证(客户认证)以防你将来会用到

2.Recall that cpents were defined with a primary key on the cpent ID column, so attempting to import duppcate rows will fail.记得cpents对客户ID列定义了一个主键,因此在尝试导入相同行时将失败。

3.When a user enters the trigger area with an associated chat channel, that cpent ID is added to the SimSet.当用户通过一个关联聊天通道进入触发器区域时,该客户机ID就被加入到SimSet中。

4.The cpent ID can be up to 23 characters long.客户机ID最长为23字符。

5.JMS identifies each durable subscription uniquely using the combination of topic name, cpent ID, and subscriber name.JMS使用主题名称、客户机ID和订户名称来唯一标识一个持久订阅。

6.CLIENT_ID: Specifies the current cpent user name for the connection.CLIENT_ID:指定连接的当前客户机用户名。

7.Gets the cpent ID of the specified control.获取指定控件的客户端ID。

8.The cpent ID is used in your apppcation when making the different Facebook API calls.在进行不同的FacebookAPI调用时,会在您的应用程序中使用客户机ID。

9.This port is mapped to the cpent ID that is passed in the query string of the HTTP subscribe request.此端口映射到传入HTTP订阅请求的查询字符串的客户端ID。

10.This setting is the cpent ID required by JMS.此设置是JMS必需的客户机ID。