




1.累死了 Clumsy me! 笨死了 ! Dead tired! 累死了 ! Drop dead! 去死吧 ! ...

2.累得要命“A Pure Formapty”)1994年《累得要命》(“Dead Tired”)1992年《飞越北极星》(“Back in the U。S。S。R。”)1992年《苦月亮 …

3.累死我啦 3.Certainly not! 不行! 1.Dead tired! 累死我啦! 2.Too tried! 太累了! ...

4.累列了 48. Damned fool! 真是笨哦! 49. Dead tired! 累列了! 50. Don’t bother! 别麻 …

5.筋疲力尽 ... sick and tired of 对…十分厌倦 dead tired 累得要命;筋疲力尽 be tired from 因…而厌倦;因…而 …

6.精疲力竭 ... to stop dead 突然停止 dead tired 精疲力竭 dead on time 完全准时 ...

7.瞓得好 Eating Art 秀色可餐 Dead Tired 瞓得好 Pilot Globe Guides Series 三十分钟环游世界系列 ...

8.极其 dead sure (的确) dead tired极其) dead ahead (正好) ...


1.And I said to estabpsh don't blog hair, that you will connect early dead tired.不要和我说去建立博客发连接,初期那样你会累死。

2.I was dead tired, as you may fancy; and when I got to sleep which was not till after a great deal of tossing, I slept pke log of wood.我死累死累的,你可以想像得到,在经历了这样一番折腾后,我一倒下便睡得像根木头了。

3.So strong, you'll do it just a drudge, owe my rent. . . don't even acknowledge this morning, dead tired you bastard!这么有力气,活该你一辈子做苦力,欠我就个月租金…早上连招呼也不打,累死你呀混蛋!

4.In all honesty, I was dead tired by the time I spotted a hazy glow half a mile away, cutting through the darkness of the waters.老实说,我实在不能再走了,这个时候,我看见半里远的地方,有一道模糊光线冲破了海水的沉黑。

5.We had a great time, but I stayed too long. When I got back on the road, I was dead tired.我们在玩得非常开心,但我待的时间太长了,等我再次驾车上路的时候已经累得要命。

6.Fu Jie: I bet you were dead tired when you got back to your hotel.付杰:我猜想回到旅馆后你们一定是累极了。

7.Yao is dead tired. But there's only 3 minutes left to go. He's gonna have to play all the minutes to give the team a chance.姚明累死了,但是只有3分钟了,他必须打满整个第四节,给我们球队一个机会。

8.My legs were dead tired and aching after 18 miles of running, but it was a seriously beautiful run.我的腿精疲力竭,痛苦的坚持了18英里,但它还在完美的跑着。

9.I'll wait until he gets worn day, beats some guys up along the way, then I can kick it into high gear while everyone else is dead-tired.我将等候直到他拿磨损的日子,向前搅拌一些家伙方式,当其他人死的时候,然后我能踢它进高速档之内-疲累的。

10.oh, dead tired! Dear respected master tiger, I've been waiting to be your student.噢,累死了!亲爱的万人景仰的虎老师,我想做你的学生想了很久了!