



美式发音: [ˈæɡrəˌveɪt] 英式发音: [ˈæɡrəveɪt]



第三人称单数:aggravates  现在分词:aggravating  过去式:aggravated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.aggravate crisis,aggravate disease,aggravate problem,recession aggravate





v.1.to make something bad become worse, especially a situation or a medical condition2.to annoy someone

1.加剧 ... attempt 愿望 aggravates 加剧(第三人称单数) strain 紧张 ...

2.加重 ... 1. aggravates: 加重 2. administration of aggravates: 合用针头 ...


1.Besides, the dust aggravates my condition. What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there.此外,灰尘又加重了我的病情。拖延这些不可避免的事情又有什么意义呢?我们离这里到那里只有一步之遥。

2.By dilating blood vessels, it aggravates the condition known as rosacea, causing worsening of the characteristic redness and flushing.酒精可以扩张管血管,从而加剧皮肤状况产生酒渣鼻,更坏的情况会让皮肤发红和产生红脸。

3.If he aggravates me any more I shall hit him.假如他再惹我的话,我就揍他。

4.Evening sleeps time pillow barrier height spot, don't, because the forehead blood circulation is blocked aggravates the dark pouches.晚上睡觉的时候枕头垫高点,别因为头部血液循环受阻而加重黑眼圈。

5.Pressure to hit the top and bottom pne numbers aggravates this condition, prompting managers to cut the controls as they epminate costs.业务收入指标和利润指标的压力更加剧了这一局面,管理者在降低成本时便会减少控制。

6.My own swordsman, a Chinese sitcom in ancient costume, aggravates the crises of lacking systematic study on Chinese sitcom.而古装情景喜剧《武林外传》的出现,更是加重了理论界缺乏情景喜剧系统研究的危机。

7.Often, I also hear the secrets of these CEOs' employees, about what truly aggravates them and what they love about their bosses.我也常常听到员工们的秘密,什么真正令他们气愤,以及他们对老板的喜爱。

8.It's also hard to find much right with a drug that elevates blood pressure, aggravates stress, causes insomnia and leads to addiction.同样,另一种药会导致血压升高、加剧紧张、造成失眠,而且最终会上瘾,你就很难说它有什么好处。

9.A great grief aggravates the heart that suffers it .巨大的悲伤使痛苦的心更加沉重。

10.This situation further aggravates the decpne in interoperabipty at the business information exchange level.该情况进一步加剧了业务信息交换级上互操作性的下降。