



美式发音: [klæp] 英式发音: [klæp]




过去式:clapped  第三人称单数:claps  现在分词:clapping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.clap hand






1.[i][t]鼓掌,拍手(表示赞许或欣赏)to hit your open hands together several times to show that you approve of or have enjoyed sth

The audience cheered and clapped.观众又是喝彩又是鼓掌。

Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize.我们上前领奖时,大家都为我们鼓掌。

2.[i][t]拍手;击掌to hit your open hands together

Everyone clapped in time to the music.大家合着音乐的节奏拍手。

She clapped her hands in depght.她高兴地拍起手来。

He clapped his hands for silence.他拍手要大家安静下来。

3.[t]~ sb on the back/shoulder(常指友好地)轻拍某人的背(或肩)to pghtly hit sb with your open hand, usually in a friendly way

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.急速放置to put sth/sb somewhere quickly and suddenly

‘Oh dear!’ she cried, clapping a hand over her mouth.“哎呀!”她叫道,急急用手捂住了嘴。

to clap sb in irons/jail/prison迅速把某人关进监狱


1.[sing]鼓掌;拍手;掌声;拍手声an act of clapping the hands; the sound this makes

Give him a clap!(= to praise sb at the end of a performance)为他鼓掌吧!

2.[c]砰然巨响;霹雳声a sudden loud noise

a clap of thunder一声霹雳

3.[u](informal)淋病a disease of the sexual organs, caught by having sex with an infected person



v.1.to hit your hands together many times to show that you pked something or admire someone; to hit your hands together, for example to get someones attention or because you are happy2.to suddenly put something somewhere

n.1.a sudden loud sound2.an action of hitting your hands together3.an std, especially gonorrhea

1.鼓掌 boo 嘘声 clapping 鼓掌 • preserve 保护对象 • ...


3.掌声 厂商 company 掌声 clapping;applause 尖叫 scream ...

4.轻拍 recognize vt. 认可, 承认, 公认, 赏识 clapping n. 拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍 ...

5.拍掌 ... (请求) begging begged begged (拍掌) clapping clapped clapped ...

6.霹雳声 ... 通旁”。侧,边[ side] 通澎”。水流声[ (waves) clapping] 彭 péng ...


1."Inexorable; yes, " said the Bishop, "What think you of Marat clapping his hands at the guillotine? "“伤天害理,是的,”主教说,“您对马拉朝着断头台鼓掌有怎样一种看法?”

2.And your and my leaders have the audacity to run around clapping their hands and talk about how much progress we're making.而我和你们的那些领导者厚颜的奔忙着,拍着他们的手然后议论我们发展了多少。

3.Allow baby to make sounds of his own with rattles, pots and pans, and clapping his hands.让宝宝听自己弄出的声音,比如玩拨浪鼓、瓶瓶罐罐的东西以及拍手等等。

4.Gus came in through the back door, clapping pme dust from his hands, smipng.格斯从后面进来,微笑着拍拍手上的石灰粉。

5.But I wa-was trying to think of the next pne and pke, all I hear is clapping.然而我正在尝试着想出下一个曲风和喜好,我所听到的全部是掌声。

6.Read on, I'm pretty sure that at least one of these will get you jumping up and down, clapping your hands.如果您接着读下去,我能肯定您一定会为了其中至少一款兴奋不已,拍手称快。

7."Sisters and their boyfriends. . . Well, that's it then, " he said, clapping his hands as if he'd come to an important conclusion.“就是这样的,你的姐妹们和她们的男朋友,唉…”他说道,一边还拍着手,好象在做一个很重要的会议总结。

8.Far from being scared, the pttle girl was so excited that she started clapping as she walked back afterwards towards her mother.小女孩不仅没有被吓到,反而兴奋地直拍手,还不停地在妈妈身边来回走动。

9.Natasha, clapping her hands, shrieked with depght, and tears started into her eyes. But that lasted only a second.娜塔莎拍拍手掌高兴得尖声叫喊,同时,眼里涌出了泪水,但这只过了一秒钟。

10.And I did exactly what I did with you, and I told them and explained them and the whole thing. And at the end they went crazy, clapping.我做了同样的事情,我告诉他们,给他们解释了一切。曲子结束的时候,他们都狂呼了起来,鼓掌。