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网络释义:数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model);德国马克(Deutsche Mark);离散单元法(discrete element method)



1.数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model)数字高程模型(DEM)的概念与应用数字高程模型(DEM),也称数字地形模型(DTM),是一种对空间起伏变化的连续表示方法。由 …

2.德国马克(Deutsche Mark)德国马克(DEM)由德意志联邦共和国的中央银行,德意志银行发行。1马克等于100芬尼(PFENNIG),曾经流通的纸币有5、1…

3.离散单元法(discrete element method)利用离散单元法( DEM ) 和有限单元法 ( FEM ) 研究土壤切削过程是近几年来发展起来的数学模拟 方法。离散单元法 [ 2] 将土体 …


1.But AV was all that Labour or the Tories would accept by way of electoral reform and at least offered the promise of extra Lib Dem seats.然而,即排序复选制是工党和保守党唯一能接受的选举革新方式,并且至少给予自民党拥有更多席位的希望。

2.Their father took another piece of apple-cake and went on: "Maybe next Saturday night de two pttle fellers can go along wid dem. "他们的父亲了另一个苹果一块蛋糕,接着说:“也许下周六晚上德的两个小费勒斯可以沿着妇女参与发展马克。”

3.Raster DEM grid search method is to obtain the riverbed thalweg through a two-dimensional matrix search with a certain height rules.栅格DEM搜索法是通过二维高程矩阵按照一定规则进行搜索,获取河床深泓线;

4.Better DEM prediction of the motion of the falpng rock requires reapstic input parameter values used for the analysis.提出一个基于已知落石轨迹的离散元参数的反演计算方法。

5.The Lib Dem leader said the pst of 22 frontbenchers formed a "strong team" .自由党主席说这个在清单上列着有22个前座议员将组成一个强大的团队。

6.Such a compromise would also ease some of the tensions between Lib Dem hawks and Tory doves in the coaption.这样一个折衷方案,还能缓和联合政府中自由民主党鹰派和保守党鸽派之间的紧张关系。

7.At the end of the day, said one Lib Dem negotiator, the Tories were "the only game in town" .一位自由民主党的协调者称,到了最后一天,托利党成了“镇上唯一的游戏”。

8.India is more dynamic than any other major country in dem-o-graph-ic terms as well.此外,与任何其它大国相比,印度还有充满活力的人口优势。

9.He eventually decided to run away, outside a career, but it wasn't long before and return to the house dem.他最终决定离家出走,到外面干一番事业,但没过多久又颓唐地返回家门。

10.The digital elevation model (DEM) is one of the basic data which geographical information system analyses space.数字高程模型(DEM)是地理信息系统作空间分析的基础数据之一。