




1.值夜班 A"half behalf 一半的利益 on night duty 值夜班 a quarter past 8o'clock 8 点过一刻 ...

2.值宿 ... 值钱 expensive;costly;valuable 值宿 on night duty 值替换 value substitution ...


1.I'll dismiss all the pages on night duty. Once the gates on both sides are locked, no one can COME through.我把上夜的小厮们都放了假,两边门一关,再没别人了。

2.Patrol the compound once an hour when on night duty, immediately checking if any abnormapties are discover.夜间值班保证每小时巡视一次,发现异常响动应及时查看。

3.The team of 17 volunteers take on night duty. He' s never left alone, just pke a baby gorilla in the wild.17位志愿者值夜班,因此他从未感到孤单,就像野生的婴儿猩猩一样。

4.He is on night duty three days a week.他一个星期要上三天夜班。

5.John Auld was working on night duty at Darwin airport.那天,约翰•奥德在达尔文机场值夜班。

6.Mother is on night duty in the hospital.妈妈在医院值夜班。

7.I am on night duty.我今天夜班!

8.I would also pke to study because every day he wanted to go on night duty tutorial.因为我还要读书,天天还要去上夜补习班。

9.Investigation and Countermeasure on Night duty Nurse's Psychological Health夜班护士心理健康调查分析及对策