


网络释义:中华公所(Chinese Consopdated Benevolent Association);基督徒华商会(Chinese Christian Business Association);中国报关协会(China Customs Brokers Association)


1.中华公所(Chinese Consopdated Benevolent Association)5美元的资金来改善唐人街的停车状况。中华公所CCBA),亚美联盟(AAF )和交通部制定了一个研究方案,通过社区宣 …

2.基督徒华商会(Chinese Christian Business Association)Chinese Christian Business Association (CCBA)6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 1030Houston, Texas 77036Prayer: To pray for churc…

3.中国报关协会(China Customs Brokers Association)中国报关协会CCBA):成立于2002年,是中国海关总署主管的,由地方报关协会、报关企业、报关单位及个人自愿结成的…

4.加拿大中国商会成员加拿大维朗妮佳服饰有限公司,加拿大中国商会成员(CCBA),源自时尚之都温哥华,为国际注册品牌,由Canada Veegy Fashi…


1.The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to teach senior citizens the correct way of walking.纽约探访护士华埠退休居民社区计划在中华公所举办讲座,教导老年人正确的走路方法。

2.Executive Director Cao K. O and Chief Operating Officer Hong Shing Lee of the Asian American Federation of New York visited CCBA.纽约亚美联盟行政总监邬敬高与主任李康成拜访中华公所。

3.The NNORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the CCBA auditorium for the elderly.纽约探访护士服务华埠中心在中华公所大礼堂举办中秋联欢活动,耆老们渡过了一个愉快的下午。

4.The NYPD Community Affairs Bureau hosted a seminar at CCBA, to education business owners the popcies of checking fire extinguishers .纽约市警总局社区事务部在中华公所举办讲座,教商家分辨「灭火器服务公司」的真伪。

5.Speaker of New York City Council, and New York City Mayoral Candidate Gifford Miller announced his school plan in front of CCBA.纽约市议会议长、纽约市长候选人米勒在中华公所门外宣布他的教育政策。

6.New York County District Attorney's Office, NYPD and other agencies held a Crime Prevention Seminar for the Chinese Community in CCBA.曼克顿区地方检察官办公室和警察局等机构在中华公所举办华人社区防止罪案讨论会议。

7.The Making of Accounting Standards, CCBA会计准则的制定