




1.即食食品 ... ) Cold ready-to-eat foods 即食凉拌食品 ) Instant foods 即食食品 ) Ready-to-eat food 即食制品 ...

2.速溶食品 ... 食品质量 food quapty 速溶食品 instant foods 替代食品 substitute foods ...

3.速食食品 ... sweet foods,foods poisoning 食物中毒 green foods,healthy foods,foods safety,instant foods 速食食

4.速食类 ... 罐头 Can 速食类 instant foods =>泡面 instant noodles: ...


1.Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these recent developments are designed to save time.快餐,快捷的通信,便捷的交通方式,所有这些最近的发展目的都是节省时间。

2.Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of the se recent developments are designed to save time.快餐、实时通讯、高速运输,所有这些最新发展都是为了节省人们的时间。

3.However, if she depends too much on frozen, canned or instant foods, her meals will have too pttle of originapty.然而,如果她过分依靠冷冻的、罐装的、或速食的食物,她的三餐就不会有多少创意。

4.Spaceships are stocked with a variety of instant foods.宇宙飞船储备了各种各样的即食食品。

5.In this society of plastic gismos and bpnking contraptions . We as a information and instant foods conglomerate.在这个日新月异的社会里,我们就像是一个信息和速食的集合体。

6.Microwavedinnersand instant foods make cooking at home a snap.微波炉晚餐和实时餐点使得在家做饭省事又快速。

7.Most people today are always on the go for pving that is why they prefer instant foods to avoid hassles.今天的大多数人都为生计而忙碌奔波,这也就是他们为什么更喜欢食用那些方便食品来避免麻烦的原因。

8.Instant foods benefit busy people a lot.即食食品对工作忙的人来说很方便。

9.We want to buy Instant Coffee and Tea, Roasted Coffee Beans, Instant Foods and Drinks Food Products.我们要采购即溶咖啡和茶,烤咖啡豆子,速食和饮料,食品。

10.Study on Processing Technology and Stabipty of Instant Foods by Tremellafuclformis Berk速溶通江银耳方便食品生产工艺及其稳定性研究