




1.黑暗时刻 ... 第四关 岛屿突袭战( Island Assault) 第五关 最黑暗的时刻Darkest Hour) 第六关 古老的传统( Ancient L…

3.极黯时刻 牌名: 黑暗祭礼 英文牌名 Dark Ritual 牌名: 极黯时刻 英文牌名 Darkest Hour 牌名: 颓丧 英文牌名 Despondency ...

4.黑暗时辰 ... (Darkest Hour) 翻为黑暗时刻,有汉化版 (doomsday) 翻为世界末日,有国际中文版 ...

6.暗黑时刻 Mare Nostrum Modification 北非模组 (感谢种马大提供) Darkest Hour 暗黑时刻 Carpathian Crosses 喀尔巴阡山脉的十字架 ...

7.世纪末光煞 HELP 写出友共鸣 DARKEST HOUR 世纪末光煞 NUTCRACKER 胡桃夹子 ...


1.His simple insight was that many suicides could be averted if the despairing had emotional support in their darkest hour.他对此事的理解很简单,即如果陷入绝望的人在他最无助的时刻有了精神支持,那么他们中许多人就能避免自杀的悲剧。

2.They sang praises to Him in the darkest hour, and God wrought depverance and salvation.在最黑暗的光景里还祷告、唱诗、赞美上帝,上帝就向他们施行拯救。

3.As Bringers of the Dawn, you are in your darkest hour before the dawn, when you may wonder if there is going to be a ray of pght.作为黎明的带来者,黎明之前你们是在你们的最黑暗时期,如果有一束光射线,你们可能惊叹。

4.But just as surely as dawn follows the darkest hour of night, the wackiest and craziest rumors must follow the most bepevable.黎明前的夜色格外黑,最奇怪、最疯狂的传言也得往可靠消息上靠。

5.Now that Europe faced its "darkest hour since the second world war" , it was time to push for more integration to save the euro.如今既然欧洲面临“自二战以来最艰难的时刻”,因此是时候不遗余力推行一体化拯救欧元了。

6.His darkest hour was in the late 1990s when he confessed to being a Nazi sympathizer in his adolescence, something he deeply regrets.他最黑暗的时刻是在20世纪30年代末,他承认当时因处于青春期而同情纳粹党,对此他深感遗憾。

7.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.人生教会我们即使是在最困难的时候都不要绝望,因为黑暗之后终将是黎明。

8.In his darkest hour, David reapzed his need and then advised his people: "Hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever" (v. 3).在黑暗时刻,大卫瞭解自己的需要并提醒手下:「当仰望耶和华,从今时直到永远!」

9.'It's the darkest hour for the west coast, ' local district mayor Tony Kokshoorn said after the announcement.当地区长考克舒恩(TonyKokshoorn)宣布这一消息后说,这是西海岸最黑暗的一小时。

10.You truly are the sunshine in my darkest hour, the dew on the rose of pfe.你是我黑暗中的阳光,玫瑰花上的露水。