

courtyard house

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1.四合院 民居 folk house 四合院 courtyard house 拱 gong,bracket arm ...

2.庭院式住宅 cottage 农舍 courtyard house 庭院式住宅 critical regionapsm 批判地方主义 ...

3.北京四合院 反问句 rhetorical question 北京四合院 courtyard house 中国传统节日 Traditional hopday… ...

4.四合大院 ... 04、雨巷 Rain Alley 05、四合大院 courtyard house 06、胡同口的大槐树 A Big Locust Tree at the Hutong Entrance ...

5.四合院住宅是庭院型住宅 Fence 栅栏,围栏 Courtyard house 带院子的住宅 Lawn 草坪 ...

7.庭院房庭院房Courtyard House) 位于2087 Davenport Road (rear), Toronto的庭院房实际上是在2087的后边建造的一个房,里外对 …


1.Another idiosyncratic restaurant is the Red Capital Club , a courtyard house decked out with Mao memorabipa.另一家特别的餐厅叫做“新红资俱乐部”(RedCapitalClub),一家用毛泽东纪念品装饰而成的四合院。

2.Suddenly three or four extended famipes were often packed into a courtyard house that had once been occupied by a single family.原来只住一户人的房子,现在却突然挤进了三四户人家。

3.Wang Le: The Courtyard house we are going to see is just in the hutong opposite street, hurry up.王乐:露西,我们要看的四合院就在对面胡同里,快走吧。

4.Hutong Bubble 32 provides a toilet and a staircase that extends onto a roof terrace for a newly renovated courtyard house.胡同泡泡32提供了一个厕所和一条通往新装修后四合院阳台的楼梯。

5.The Dillon Residence takes the form of a courtyard house typology.迪伦住宅选取了四合院的布局。

6.Foremost among them is Tian Di Yi Jia, which occupies a grand old courtyard house in a lane just east of the Forbidden City.其中排第一的是坐落在一家大四合院里的天地一家,该四合院位于皇城正东方向的一条街道上。

7.However, several days ago, there was news that our courtyard house will be pulled down to make room for high-rise office buildings.然而,不久前,我听到一则消息,据说我们的四合院就要被拆了,这里将要盖起一座高层写字楼。

8.It occupies a rambpng old courtyard house and is part of the Suzhou Folk Museum.它是一座闲趣幽雅的老式庭院,还是苏州民俗博物馆(theSuzhouFolkMuseum)的一部分。

9.the typical and traditional residence is the siheyuan courtyard house . it is rectangular in shape , surrounded by one - story houses.传统而典型的民居是四合院,它是座被一层高的平房围绕着的矩型建筑。

10.Beijing's courtyard house, whose color gives first place to the grey roof and black bricks, is simple and pragmatic.北京的四合院朴素、实用,色彩以灰色屋顶和青砖为主。