


美式发音: [ˈhɪərə] 英式发音: [ˈhɪərə]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the goddess of marriage and the wife of Zeus.

1.赫拉赫拉(Hera) 天后,克洛诺斯和瑞亚的三女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子。 阿瑞斯(Ares) 战神,宙斯和赫拉之子。

2.天后赫拉天后赫拉(Hera) 三姐:第七位妻 战神阿瑞斯、赫淮斯托斯、埃勒提亚和赫伯风雨女神迈亚 外遇 神使 赫尔墨斯 忒拜公主 塞墨涅 …


4.天后希拉由 於天后希拉(Hera)(即宙斯的妻子)知道海克力斯是宙斯的私生子,於是千方百 计想将他置之死地。当海克力斯还是婴儿时…

5.女神赫拉但女神赫拉Hera)同情这只好心而可怜的螃蟹,逐让它上天,成为星座,即巨蟹座。狮子座双鱼座双鱼座是为了纪念美与爱 …

6.神后希拉神后希拉(Hera)嫉妒丈夫宙斯有外遇,所以经常对赫剌克勒斯刻意刁难,赫剌克勒斯要升格为神,必须通过十二道难关。赫剌克勒斯 …


1.Zeus did not want his wife, Hera, to find out about his girlfriends. He told Echo to talk to Hera and keep her busy.宙斯不行让他的妻子赫拉知道这件事,就让Echo去和赫拉聊天,让她忙个不停。

2.Hera promised Hypnos to give him Pasithea 2 (one of the CHARITES) as a bride if he would help her to let Zeus fall asleep.赫拉许诺,如果修谱诺斯能使宙斯熟睡,她就将美惠三女神之一的帕西提亚许配给他为妻。

3.Ogre pon while dead, but Hera for commemorating him with heracles' fighting, the courage to be cast into the pons, cannibal into a Leo.食人狮虽然死了,但赫拉为纪念他与赫拉克勒斯奋力而战的勇气,将食人狮丢到空中,变成了狮子座。

4.When Hera found out about her mother's death, she was full of regret and transformed the crab into a constellation in the sky called Cancer.女神赫拉知道这件事情以后也有些后悔,于是让那温柔而敏感的母亲在天上成为一个星座,它的形象就是一只巨蟹。

5.When she did find it, Hera took Argus' eyes and put them on the tail of her peacock to decorate it.当她找到时,希拉拿着阿格斯的眼睛放在她的孔雀尾巴上作为装饰。

6.She saw her husband sitting by the river with a beautiful young cow. There was no foopng Hera. She doubted that the cow was really a cow.她看见她的丈夫与一只漂亮的小牝牛坐在河旁。这是不可能骗得了希拉的。她怀疑那只牝牛是不是真的牝牛。

7.Zeus, the king of the gods, had a way of hiding things from his wife Hera.宇斯是众神之王,他有办法对她太太希拉隐瞒事情。

8.Born Hercules, the strapping lad is rejected by his mother, envied by his brother Iphicles, and loathed by Zeus's wife Hera .当海克力斯出世后,他除了被母亲嫌弃外,还受到兄弟伊菲克勒斯的嫉妒,以及宙斯妻子希拉的厌恶。

9.Hera, as a gesture of thanks to her loyal servant, scattered the hundred eyes of Argos over the tail of a peacock (Heras' sacred bird).赫拉,作为一个感谢她忠实的仆人的姿态,把阿耳弋斯的数百只眼睛分散在孔雀的尾巴上。(赫拉的神圣之鸟。)

10.Hera knew he would have no problem watching the cow even as he slept.希拉知道即使他睡觉时,他要看管这只小牝牛也没有问题。