




1.等候室3,lounge n.(住宅或旅馆中的)休息室;(机场等的)等候室the departure lounge 候机室)构成:lou(楼)+n(门)+ge(歌) 记忆: …


1.Swiss banking officials met me as I got off the plane and rushed me to a private room in the departure lounge.瑞士银行官员们已经在机场等我了并簇拥着把我带到休息厅的一个私人房间内。

2.That would be normal practice, but it would delay the return journey and keep hundreds of passengers waiting in the departure lounge.按理说那是惯例,但检修无疑将会推迟返程时间,让成百旅客在候机室苦苦等待。

3.We checked in and went straight to the departure lounge.我们办理了登机手续之后,直奔离港等候厅。

4.He had seen the men in the departure lounge sitting together, now they were dispersed.刚才在候机室他看到这些人坐在一起,现在他们分开坐了。

5.For scattering pubpc attention , I start to walk to a place by the window , this is the prospects out of the departure lounge .为了分散众人的注意力,我起身走到靠窗的地方,这是候机室外的景象。

6.She then waved good-bye as he went through to Passport Control and the Departure Lounge.他通过护照检查处和候机室时,妻子挥手再见。

7.Viewing the parked airplanes through the window of the departure lounge, everything in the beam of lamppght looked orderly.透过候机机厅的窗户可以看到外面停放的飞机。灯光下一切都显得井井有条。

8.We invite all passengers to return to the departure lounge, and wait for more information.我们邀请所有的乘客返回候机厅,等待进一步的消息。

9.We went through passport control and into the departure lounge.我们通过护照检查站进入了候机大厅。

10.Please go through customs and proceed to the Departure Lounge.请先经过海关检查,然后在候机室休息。