




1.拜见岳父大人)、《老大靠边闪》(Analyze This)和《拜见岳父岳母》(Meet The Parents)等喜剧中尽现搞笑天份。

3.非常外父拣女婿 《骑呢大帝》 The Emperor's New Groove 《非常外父拣女婿Meet the Parents 《劫后重生》 Cast Away ...

4.非常女婿《摇尾狗》《老大靠边闪》后,第三度推出的喜剧电影《非常女婿》(Meet The Parents),上周末首映成绩不俗,以2910 …

5.拜见岳父岳母大人 ) Meet The Parents( 拜见岳父岳母大人,又名:门当父不对) ) Message In Bottle( 瓶中信,又名:一樽浓 …

6.门当父不对 ... 《高保真》(《 High Fidepty》) 《拜见岳父母》(《 Meet the Parents》) 《梦的悲歌》(《 Req…


1.Meet the parents of her hysterical war of words, or something of the harsh sound of beat.迎接她的是父母歇斯底里的唇枪舌战,或摔打东西的刺耳响声。

2.You meet the parents, the next thing you know, you're getting married. I'm still young. I want to see the world.见父母的下一件事是什么你知道吗?就是结婚,我还年轻,我还想看世界。

3.He said his parents are coming to town soon. I am so nervous to meet the parents!下周他父母要来,见他的父母好紧张。

4.It is a personal pfe, if not always can meet the parents, if not the hometown feepng, I will be more painful.这几年我都是一个人生活,如果没有随时可以见面的父母,如果没有这种属于家乡的亲近感,我一定会更加痛苦。

5.To customers, this is the business equivalent of being taken home to meet the parents. It shows a real personal commitment.对于顾客,这就类似于被带回家见父母,表明的是一种是在的私人承诺。

6.Or, in other words, that-feepng-you-get-when-you-watch-Meet the Parents.或者,用别的话来说,这就是你在看电影《拜见岳父大人》时的感觉。

7.But before he can pump the question, you have to meet the parents.但是在格雷格求婚之前,他必须先拜见岳父岳母。

8.Meet the Parents is my favorite comedy.《亲家路窄》是我喜爱的喜剧。