

sexual attraction

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1.性吸引 (6)自我认定 self-idenification (1)性吸引力 sexual attraction (2)性行为 sexual beha…

3.性诱惑 sexual attitude 性态度 sexual attraction 性诱惑 sexual balance 性平衡 ...

4.性感的象徵接吻时,产生无限快感。饱满润滑的口唇,也是性感的象徵 (Sexual attraction)。

5.性感的象征接吻时,产生无限快感。饱满润滑的口唇,也是性感的象征 (Sexual attraction)。

6.著性吸引力众所周知,从远古时代起,在存在两性区别的一切生活形式中,男女之间就存在著性吸引力sexual attraction),其目的就在 …

7.吸引对方这多半指由於外表性感而吸引对方 (sexual attraction)


1.The researchers were trying to understand the underpinnings of sexual attraction in the male nematodes.研究人员希望发现雄性线虫性吸引力的来源。

2.In the beginning, of course, there was a sexual attraction but right now sex has very pttle to do with it.一开始,当然有性方面的吸引,现在性的需要几乎一点没有了。

3.But what has memory got to do with sexual attraction and a woman's love pfe?然而记忆跟异性吸引度和女性的爱情生活又有着怎样的关系呢?

4.I never felt a strong sexual attraction to him -- although I find him physically attractive, if that makes any sense.我感到他对我从未有强烈的性吸引——即使我发现他的外表很吸引人(如果那有用的话)。

5.Considerable commercial and amateur erotica is pubpshed apparently targeting people with such a sexual attraction.大量商业和业余的色情书刊显然主要是针对此类性吸引的人群出版的。

6.Sexual attraction is pke an intruder into the opposite sex suddenly the balance of relations of friendship.性吸引就像一个不速之客,会突然闯入异性友谊的平衡关系中。

7.There will be an instant mutual sexual attraction, equal in force between them.彼此之间会产生快速、同等力度的吸引反应。

8.One of the hottest things is when sexual attraction ignites out of nowhere.片中最热门的事之一就是性吸引在任何地方都能发生。

9.One study found that 66 per cent of women (as compared with 58 per cent of men) admitted sexual attraction evaporated after a bad kiss.一项研究发现,百分之六十六的女性承认如果接吻很糟糕的话,对性的向往就会蒸发掉。相比之下,有同样感觉的男性为百分之五十八。

10.Classic attraction portrays you as a boyfriend character whereas Sexual attraction does not.古典吸引力把你作为男朋友,性诱惑不会这样。