

French kiss

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复数:French kisses  



1.法式接吻(接触舌头)a kiss during which people's mouths are open and their tongues touch


n.1.a kiss between two people with their mouths open and tongues touching

1.情定巴黎 kiss good-bye 吻别, French kiss 法式接吻, Platonic kiss 柏拉图之吻 ...

3.法国式接吻 french cuisine 法国菜 french kiss 法国式接吻 n. 法国人;法语 ...

4.舌吻 15.second handed 二手车 1. French Kiss 舌吻 2. native 纯、天真 ...

5.法式热吻 风月俏佳人 Pretty Woman 法式热吻 French Kiss 13 变 30 13 Going On 30 ...

6.法国吻法国吻(French Kiss)专功法国吻French Kiss)专功。5、吻到一半的时候,才是重头戏的开始,缓缓地张开嘴巴,用舌头 …


1.Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut, 1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss.1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其出演故事片之初的喜剧老路。

2.How much money would I have to pay y'all to French kiss each other?我要花多少钱才能看到你们俩法国式舌吻?

3.If France equals romance, and a romantic kiss involves tongue, then it must be a French kiss?如果法国等于浪漫,而一个浪漫的吻要用舌头完成,那么就一定是法式接吻咯?

4.French kiss can be considered as the perfect way of expressing your love and lust for opposite gender.法兰西之吻可视为完美的方式来表达你的爱和欲望的异性。

5.blowjob division belongs to the french kiss army. when french are nuked is called french toast.“吹箫”部门隶属于法式吻军队。当法国人红果果时叫做法式土司。

6.Bonobo spats are swiftly settled often with a French kiss and a quick round of sex.倭黑猩猩间的短暂争吵会通过一次法国式的接吻和一轮快速性交来解决。

7.Lawrence Kasdan, who directed Ryan in French Kiss, has said, "Men want to be married to her, and women want to be her friends. "在《情定巴黎》一片中指导瑞恩的导演劳伦斯·卡萨丹曾说:「男人想娶她,女人想当她的朋友。」

8.Bob: Yes, French kiss is called a "juncture of souls" in France.是的,法式热吻在法语里被称作“灵魂时刻”。

9.One of love's most intimate and frightening moments is the French kiss.恋爱中最为亲密同时也是最恐怖的时刻之一,便是法式热吻了。

10.It's probably a pttle more comppcated if you're talking about a French kiss.如果你说的是法式接吻的话,那事情可能会有一点复杂了。