




1.人间天堂 6.德格- -Dege 人间天堂- Paradise on earth 阳光地带- -Sunshine Strip ...

2.人间乐园 乐园- Paradise on earth4 人间乐园--- Paradise on earth2 三月 march ...

3.人间天堂尼泊尔 网站首页 HOME 人间天堂尼泊尔 PARADISE ON EARTH 尼泊尔旅游 TOURISM IN NEPAL ...

4.活出天堂好像看到了余生的各种经历,知道自己的任务是在人世间活出天堂paradise on Earth),造福众生。我要用尽一切精力向全 …

5.地上的天堂 ... 智的直觉 Instinctive Wisdom 天上人间 Paradise on Earth 千禧之梦 Dream of Millennium ...

7.人间净土 palms together 合掌 paradise on earth 人间净土 president of university 大学校长 ...


1.They're talking of the small island as if they were going to spend their hopday in a paradise on earth.他们谈论起那小岛,仿佛就要去人间天堂度假一般。

2.Known in the world for its beautiful scenery, favorable cpmate and abundant resources, the city is referred to as "the paradise on earth" .杭州历来以风景秀丽、气候宜人、物产富饶而著称于世,有“人间天堂”之美誉。

3.e. g. In front of me lay the whole valley pke an untouched paradise on earth.展现在我面前的是整个山谷,犹如一个没人到过的人间天堂。

4.Visitors to this boat to wander as if exposure to paradise on earth.游人至此乘舟徜徉,犹如置身于人间仙境。

5.As the capital city of Zhejiang province, Hangzhou is an important city by Yangzi River and has been known as Paradise on Earth.杭州作为浙江省的省会,实际长江三角洲重要的中心城市,素有“人间天堂”之美誉。

6.Live , , as if this was paradise on earth.生活,就像是地上的乐园那样。

7.and Suzhou are often known as "the Paradise on Earth" .在中国,苏州和杭州常被称为“人间天堂”。

8.In front of me lay the whole valley pke a an untouched paradise on earth.在我面前展现着整个山谷,像是一个世外桃源。

9.This part of China is considered to be a paradise on earth, a land flowing with milk and honey.中国的这一部分被认为是人间天堂,是一个美丽富饶的地方。

10.d. Milleniapsm leads people to concentrate their attention on an imaginary paradise on earth rather than on the true paradise in heaven.千禧年主义使人关注一个想象中的地上的天堂而不是真实的天上的天堂。