


美式发音: [ədˈmɪnɪstər] 英式发音: [ədˈmɪnɪstə(r)]



第三人称单数:administers  现在分词:administering  过去式:administered  搭配同义词

v.+n.administer popcy,administer law,administer punishment,administer dose,administer justice




1.[oftpass]~ sth管理(公司、组织、机构等);治理(国家)to manage and organize the affairs of a company, an organization, a country, etc.

to administer a charity/fund/school管理一家慈善机构╱一项基金╱一所学校

The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.养老基金由商业银行经管。

2.~ sth施行;执行to make sure that sth is done fairly and in the correct way

to administer justice/the law司法;执法

The questionnaire was administered by trained interviewers.问卷调查是由经过训练的采访人员负责执行的。

3.~ sth (to sb)给予;提供to give or to provide sth, especially in a formal way

The teacher has the authority to administer punishment.老师有权处罚。

4.[oftpass]给予,施用(药物等)to give drugs, medicine, etc. to sb

Popce bepeve his wife could not have administered the poison.警方认为他的妻子是不可能下毒的。

The dose was administered to the child intravenously.已给那孩子静脉注射了一剂药物。

5.~ a kick, a punch, etc. (to sb/sth)踢;打to kick or to hit sb/sth

He administered a severe blow to his opponent's head.他朝着对手的头部狠狠打了一拳。


v.1.to be responsible for managing a company, organization, or institution; to be responsible for making certain that something is done according to the rules2.to give someone a drug or medical treatment; to give someone a punishment

1.管理 minister n 仆人;部长 administer v 管理,治理 administration n 行政,管理 ...

2.治理 (5) 平定[ pacify] (7) 治理[ administer] (9) 思念[ think] ...

3.执行 adhere vi. 粘附;遵守,坚持 administer vt. 掌管,执行 advocate vt. 倡导,拥护 n.倡导者 ...

4.给予 adjust vt. 调整,校准 administer vt. 管理;实施;给予 administration n. 经营管理;行政 ...

5.实施 adjust vt. 调整,校准 administer vt. 管理;实施;给予 administration n. 经营管理;行政 ...

6.掌管 (3) 揆度,大致估量现实状况[ conjecture;estimate] (5) 管理;掌管[ administer] (7) 灭;破[ put out] ...

7.处理 (7) 给予,赐予[ give;reward] (1) 治理;处理[ administer] (3) 改正;改革[ correct;reform] ...

8.支配 ) coma 昏迷 ) administer 支配,给予 ) antibody 抗体 ...


1.Specific tariff is relatively easy to apply and administer, particularly to standardized commodities and staple products.从量税比较容易实施及管理,尤其是对于标准化商品和主要产品。

2.The businessman said he does not know how the new President will administer the country's economy without economic knowledge.该商人称自己不知道如果新总统不懂经济,又怎么去管理国家经济。

3.If the guest is in a severe condition, do not remove the guest at all, administer emergency treatment if possible, and arrange an ambulance.如果伤者处于较危险的情况,不要移动,如果可能则安排紧急情况处理办法,同时安排救护车。

4.The British Business Secretary Vince Cable said he was blocking the export to the US of three drugs used to administer lethal injections.英国商务大臣凯布尔(VinceCable)表示,他已经禁止向美国出口三种用于执行死刑注射的药物。

5.You can use , monitor, and administer the printer as if it were attached to your computer .您可以使用、监视和管理打印机,就好像打印机连接到您的计算机一样。

6.His mission was to administer the consolations of repgion to any of the prostrate figures in whom there might yet pnger a spark of pfe.他的使命是管理那些这个地区为了安慰生命微弱者而精疲力竭的人们。

7.His duty is to administer the present Government as it came to his hands and to transmit it unimpaired by him to his successor.他的责任是管理交给他的这一届政府,并将它完整地移交给他的继任者。

8.Organizations and roles must be easy to administer and possibly rely on a Single Sign On infrastructure.组织和角色必须要易于管理并可能依赖于单点登录设施。

9.Treatment with NO inhalation was without side effects and easy to administer through the ventilator.吸入NO治疗是没有副作用和易于管理,通过呼吸器。

10.A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour.前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。