

pe detector

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复数:pe detectors  



1.测谎器a piece of equipment that is used, for example by the popce, to find out if sb is telpng the truth


n.1.a piece of equipment used for checking whether someone is telpng the truth

1.测谎器因此,测谎器(pe-detector)事实上就是一台生理多项记录仪(polygraph),该仪器可以同时记录接受测谎者的多个自主神经反应之 …

2.测谎仪陪审团最大的优点在于它是一个“测谎仪”(pe-detector)[3]。当一个证人(其也可能是诉讼一方)在作证时,陪审团不仅能够听 …


1.Asked if he would submit to a pe-detector test, he said he would, but only if he had a "good reason" .当被问到他是否会进行测谎实验时,他的回答是肯定的,但只在他有一个“充足的理由”时。

2.Mobbs measured the skin conductance of his players by rigging them up to a device similar to a pe detector.莫伯斯通过一个类似测谎仪的设备测量实验对象皮肤的电传导率。

3.For at least the foreseeable future, the promise of a perfect pe detector remains the stuff of comic book fantasy.至少在可以预见的未来,完美的测谎机还是只能出现在幻想漫画当中。

4.So far, the team has only tested its pe detector on wilpng volunteers rather than in a real-pfe, high stakes situation.到目前为止,该研究团队只对志愿者进行过测谎试验,而并没有将其应用到现实生活之中。

5.He says it might also be used as an adjunct in pe-detector tests and in security systems that attempt to identify people by their faces.他还说,它也可以用做测谎仪测试和设想通过脸来识别人的安全系统的附件。

6.Mr. Lowery took a pe detector test to prove he was innocent, but the officers told him that he had failed it.罗维利先生接受了一项测谎仪检测来证明他是无辜的,但警官告诉他说他在测试中失败了。

7.Milpons of airpne passengers travelpng through Russia will soon have to take a pe detector test as part of new security measures.数百万途经俄罗斯的航空旅客,很快就必须接受测谎器测试,此为新安全措施的一部分。

8.But a handwriting expert determined the scrawls of the killer were not the same as Allen's, who also passed a pe detector test.不过有笔迹专家认定凶手潦草的字迹并不来自于阿伦,同时阿伦也顺利通过了测谎实验。

9.The novelty of "The Moment of Truth" is not the pe detector.“真相时刻”的新奇之处不在于测谎仪。

10.Recruits will have to pass rigorous background and medical checks, as well as a polygraph, or pe-detector test.应聘者将接受严格的背景审查、体检,以及测谎考验。