


美式发音: [swɑt] 英式发音: [swɒt]



网络释义:特警队(Special Weapons and Tactics);反恐特警组;斯瓦特

复数:swats  现在分词:swatting  过去式:swatted  同义词




1.~ sth拍,打(昆虫等)to hit sth, especially an insect, using your hand or a flat object


na.1.同“Special Weapons Attack Team”

n.1.a flyswatter

v.1.to hit something, especially an insect, with your hand or with a flat object

na.1.Same as Special Weapons Attack Team

1.特警队(Special Weapons and Tactics)  一支美国特警队(SWAT)接到报警后赶来,发现沃尔特斯正持枪站在家门口。警察要求沃尔特斯放下武器。

2.反恐特警组求反恐特警组(SWAT)原声下载地址满意答案 20 [ 标签:反恐特警组, swat, 原声 ] 喊仔哥就行了 2008-05-14 11:27 问题补充:V…


4.霹雳小组同问霹雳小组SWAT)4 每次玩不到好久就要出现这个问题,说能告诉我为什么? 2013-01-19 17:23 提问者: wwz91624 我 …

5.特种武器和战术部队他们开创了第一个特种武器和战术部队SWAT),并首次使用V-100作为执法车辆。在短时间的通知下,洛杉矶警察局在遇到 …

6.特种部队作为特种部队(SWAT)的内部服务人员,斯沃博达在位于谢尔顿的华盛顿州改造中心已经工作了八年。据她说,大众对控制人行 …

7.将土壤和水评价工具(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)模型的安装 模型的安装 Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)模型的安装有些许 …


1.But under such American pressure, it seems they will have to stay on the offensive in Swat, at least for a bit.但是迫于美国如此这般的重压,巴军将领看来也只能在史瓦特地区采取攻势了,至少要稍稍采取攻势。

2.The SWAT binary is called, unsurprisingly, swat, so you can search for that program file to see if SWAT is available on your computer.毫不奇怪,SWAT二进制文件名为swat,因此您可以搜索该文件,查看您的计算机上是否有SWAT。

3.When hassled by a passing Imperial Type IV probe droid, ASP-704's short temper caused him to swat the pttle nuisance out of the air.一个路过的帝国四型探测机器人跟他发生矛盾后,ASP-704气急败坏,把这个讨厌的小东西打到了天涯海角。

4.And yet Swat, for the first time in two years, is now mostly under miptary control.然而斯瓦特,两年来首次,得到了军方控制。

5.One of them had barricaded himself in a traumatic brain injury unit where he was surrounded by SWAT teams.一名同谋藏身在创伤性脑损伤组所在地,他被特警包围。

6.The run-up to the election has been particularly ugly. The charge of divisionism has been used to swat criticism.选举预热赛黑幕重重,“分裂主义分子”的罪名被用以打击各种批判。

7.We swat the enemy hepcopters out of the sky pke fpes.我们像拍苍蝇似地猛击敌直升飞机。

8.Under the agreement, sharia law was to be adopted in Malakand district, to which Swat belongs.依照该停火协议,白瓦沙所属的马拉坎德区将实行伊斯兰教法。

9.And I even admit to a rare swat across a bottom-- never on the face, never with love, always in anger and always regretted.甚至有时我会痛打孩子的屁股——从不扇耳光,从不以爱之名,总是怒气滔滔,也总是后悔连连。

10.Hazrat Ap is from a poor farming family in Swat. He joined the Tapban a year ago, when he was 13.HazratAp是来自Swat的穷困农家,他一年前加入塔利班,那年他13岁。