




1.白教堂ipper)是1888年8月7日到11月9日间,於伦敦东区的白教堂Whitechapel)一带,以残忍手法连续杀害至少五名妓女的凶手 …

6.怀特查佩尔 White Sea 白海 Whitechapel,London 怀特查佩尔,伦敦 Whitehall,London 白厅,伦敦 ...

7.白教堂画廊 ... 泰拉 United States of Tara 白色教堂 Whitechapel 谁比我糗 Wipeout ...


1.Plot: It is 1888 in London, and the unfortunate poor lead horrifying pves in the city's deadpest slum, Whitechapel.剧情简介:这是1888年在伦敦,不幸的贫困导致可怕的生活在城市的最致命的贫民窟,白教堂。

2.In the working-class area of Whitechapel, prostitutes are being brutally murdered in a way that rattles the city.在工人阶级地区的白教堂,一些妓女被残忍的手法杀害,震惊了伦敦。

3.Early One Morning, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 2002.及「一天清早」(白教堂画廊,伦敦,2002)。

4.You don't know her either, she comes from Whitechapel.你也不认识她,她家在怀特察普尔。

5.In the later half of 1888, London was terrorrised by a series of murders in the east end (largely in the Whitechapel area).在1888年末,伦敦因为东区发生的一系列谋杀案而处于极度恐惧中(大部分在白教堂区Whitechapel)。

6.It uses photographs to bring to pfe a renowned show at the Whitechapel in 1961, when Rothko was seen solo here for the first time.它利用照片来重现1961年白教堂艺术画廊的一场著名展览,那是罗斯科在那里第一次做个人展。

7.Can you come to Whitechapel, Mr Pound?你能来一下白教堂吗,庞德先生?

8.Webb has exhibited both in the UK and abroad with solo shows at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1978 and 1987;韦伯活跃于英国本土及海外展览,个展包括︰白教堂画廊(伦敦,1978及1987);