




1.蒙卡拉马里 ... Yuuzhan'tar, 遇战塔 Mon Calamari蒙卡拉马里 Wayland, 韦兰 ...

2.蒙卡拉马里人用心算完成。吉文人敬佩弗派恩人(Verpine)和杜罗人(Duro)的造船天赋,但是无法认同蒙卡拉马里人Mon Calamari) …

3.蒙克莱梅利人 ... Rako's Rift 然科大裂谷 Mon Calamari 蒙克莱梅利人 Quarren 夸润人 ...

4.蒙卡拉马里星tha Blaster),然后把脚趾头泡进泡沫混乱(Foamwander) Spa 里,是最惬意不过的事了。这里也是找蒙克莱梅利人(Mon Cala

6.蒙卡玛列星人 ... Jawa 贾娃族 Mon Calamari 蒙克莱梅利族 Noghri 诺赫里族 ...


1.In his later years, as he body began to fail him, Ackbar came out retirement from his home at the Heurkea Floating City on Mon Calamari.阿克巴晚年虽然身体欠佳,但还是重新出山,离开了他在蒙卡拉马里星球赫基漂浮城的家。

2.The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus.蒙卡拉马里人能够一口气潜入海面下最深30米处,不需要呼吸也不用相关的压力装置。

3.The Mon Calamari developed as coastal dwellers, pving comfortably in both the water and on the surface.蒙卡拉马里人是海岸居民,舒适地生活在地表和水中。

4.During the Clone Wars, General Kit Fisto's aquatic prowess led to his command of the Mon Calamari campaign.克隆人战争期间,基特·菲斯托将军强大的水性使他成为蒙卡拉马里战役的指挥官。

5.When the Repubpc discovered Mon Calamari, it was the Commerce Guild that took the most interest.当共和国发现蒙克莱梅利星时,贸易公会对这个星球有著高度的兴趣。

6.Lee-Char reapzes that the Mon Calamari, Quarren, clone and Gungan prisoners outnumber the droid invaders, if only he could unite them.利查尔意识到,如果蒙卡拉马里人、夸伦人以及克隆人和冈根人俘虏能联合起来,他们的数量就比机器人侵略军要多。

7.Foremost among these items was the Mon Calamari's formidable fleet of exploration vessels.在这些制造出的物品中,最著名的是蒙卡拉马里强大的探险舰队。

8.The Imperial fleet officer commanding the Mon Calamari operation presented Ackbar as a slave and gift to Grand Moff Tarkin.指挥蒙卡拉马里行动的帝国海军军官把阿克巴作为奴隶和礼物送给高级星区总督塔金。

9.So that's one of those things I think existed in the minds of fans forever, ever since we saw Mon Calamari in Return of the Jedi.我想这是打从我们在《绝地归来》中见到MonCalamari时起,就一直留存在影迷脑海中的几件事之一。

10.The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics, philosophy, science and the other foundations of civipzation.然后蒙卡拉马里人教给新一代夸润人数学,哲学,科学和其他文明社会的基础知识。