



美式发音: [bɪˈheɪvjər] 英式发音: [bɪˈheɪvjə(r)]



复数:behaviours  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bad behaviour,strange behaviour,outrageous behaviour,rude behaviour,irresponsible behaviour

v.+n.influence behaviour,observe behaviour,justify behaviour,govern behaviour,predict behaviour





na.1.The variant of behavior

1.行为 能力 Compentencies: 行为 Behaviours: 经验 Experience ...

2.举止 genetic adj. 基因的,遗传学的 behaviours n. 行为,举止 tools n. 工具 ...

3.迈一步来到你的行为  好,再迈一步来到你的行为 (behaviours) 层面;你每天做些什么。想想你的工作,为了完成那个工作什么是你不得不做的。

4.态度行为除此之外,在企业徵才时,越来越多雇主将应徵者的「态度行为 (behaviours)」看得与技能、资格一样重要。艾丽珊进一步说明…

5.行动当然,这种练习是包含语言意义的言语行动behaviours)而不仅是语言结构。尽管有各种争论,但是有一点大家的看法是一致 …

6.职业行为为什么要提高和评估职业行为behaviours)?我们最近做的全球调查报告“高效职业教育”表明仅有知识和技能已经不能满足21 …

7.行为模式在认知上(cognitive)、情感上(affective),以及心理上(psychologi)所展现出来的行为模式(behaviours);而这些行为,Keefe认为 …


1.As long as you take the time to really imprint these new behaviours they're bound to stick and you're bound to feel the difference.只要你肯花时间真正的加深巩固这些新习惯,它们肯定会变得很牢靠,你也一定会感受到不同。

2.A more contemporary description of these 'soft' attributes would be 'high performance' behaviours, attitudes and styles.对于这些软能力的最新解释是:高效的行为、态度和作风。

3.It is a setting for a range of behaviours at least as pecupar as anything that an ethnographer might uncover among the clans of Samoa.这里提供的环境适合的怪异行为至少堪比一位民族志学者在岛国萨摩亚的任何宗派里能揭露的东西。

4.He said it would give "important clues as to how far back in geological time such behaviours evolved" .他说这将为研究“这种行为是在多远古的地质时期逐渐形成的提供重要的线索。”

5.The Museum staff has the right to stop any annoying behaviours and to order the concerned visitor to leave the Museum immediately.如遇有个别人士对其他参观者造成滋扰,博物馆职员有权即时终止其参观及要求离开博物馆。

6.But Dr Bechara said the insula appeared to be involved with "learned behaviours" rather than those necessary for survival.但是,Bechara博士说,脑岛表现为与“学习行为”有关,而不是生存行为。

7.The children became very conscious when they were about to make a choice and therefore behaviours and classroom dynamics were incredible.在孩子们要作选择的时候他们变得很有意识,因此他们的课堂表现和纪律都是难以置信的好。

8.Fostering an atmosphere among the general pubpc with celebrity behaviours should be regarded as a good phenomenon!能够用公众人物的行为在广大市民中造成一种氛围也算是一种很好的现象吧!

9.Pace yourself and don't try to undo ten (twenty, thirty, forty) years of less-than-desirable habits, behaviours and results by next Tuesday.一步一步走并不要尝试在10年(20年,30年,40年)的时间内松懈自己相对称心的习惯,行为以及下个星期二到来的结果。

10.As the items on your agenda show, persuading people to adopt healthy behaviours is one of the biggest challenges in pubpc health.如议程项目所表明,说服民众采纳某些卫生行为是公共卫生领域最重大的挑战之一。