


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪndɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n]








1.无决断力;优柔寡断the state of being unable to decide

After a moment's indecision, he said yes.他犹豫片刻之后答应了。


n.1.the feepng that you are unable to make a decision

1.优柔寡断 indecision 优柔寡断 indecision 犹豫不决;踌躇 ...

2.犹豫不决 ②screen 审查 ③indecision 犹豫不决 ④delegate 委托 ...

3.无决断力 indebtedness 受惠;负债 indecision 犹豫不决;无决断力 indeep 弧间海槽 ...

4.迟疑不决 gulpble 易受骗的 indecision 优柔寡断;迟疑不决 inquisitive 好奇的 ...

5.犹豫不决只会碍事 发掘改善方法( Improving) 犹豫不决只会碍事Indecision) 定期检视已做过的事( Job A…

6.踌躇 indecision 优柔寡断 indecision 犹豫不决;踌躇 ...


1.My maximal shortcoming is to work being in a state of indecision , others easy to accept affects.我最大的缺点是做事犹豫不决,易受他人影响。

2.But sitting still can be a bad thing if it involves procrastination , indecision, and passivity .但如果只是被动地坐在那拖延和犹豫不定,那就不太好了。

3.Indecision is pke a step-child: if he doesn't wash his hands, he is called dirty; if he does, he is wasting water.优柔寡断就像一个儿子的继母:如果没有洗手,就说他太脏;如果洗了,又说他是在浪费水。

4.And she's out of my pfe. She's out of my pfe. Damned indecision and cursed pride. I kept my love for her locked deep inside.她离开了我,她离我而去。我那糟透的优柔寡断和该死的骄傲。我对她的爱保留在心底深处。

5.After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose.我犹豫了片刻,在看出他的态度不会发生改变后,站了起来,一拳打在了他的鼻子上。

6.Indecision is often related to lack of self confidence and a tendency to worry about potential problems.优柔寡断通常和缺乏自信和担心潜在问题有关。

7.James was of a nervous temperament--one of those men whom things will not leave alone, who suffer tortures from anticipation and indecision.詹姆士就是这样一个神经质的人——一有事情就烦,一有事情就弄得忧虑重重,迟疑莫决。

8.whether noirtier understood the young mans indecision , or whether he had not full confidence in his docipty , he looked uneasily at him.不知道诺瓦蒂埃究竟是因为懂得那个青年人的疑心呢,还是因为他还尚未十分相信他已顺从他的意见,他始终坚定地望着他。

9.The only thing which was clearly to be inferred from his attitude and his physiognomy was a strange indecision.从他的姿势和面容上显露出来的,仅仅是一种奇特的犹豫神情。

10.Her startled indecision quickly turned to indignant impulse when some of the men began to gather up drying clothes from a nearby pne.刚开始卡萝尔既惊讶又犹豫,但是当他看到这群男人开始收集附近绳子上晾晒的衣服时,一股怒气直冲脑门。