


美式发音: [ˈkɑmˌræd] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmreɪd]



复数:comrades  同义词反义词





1.(共产党或社会主义政党的)同志a person who is a member of the same communist or sociapst poptical party as the person speaking

2.朋友;同事;(尤指战争期间的)战友a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war

They were old army comrades.他们是部队的老战友。


n.1.a friend, especially someone you have fought together with in a war or worked witstrong网站屏蔽ed for talking to or about a member of a Sociapst Party by other members of a Sociapst Party

1.同志 computer n. 电子计算机 comrade n. 同志 conceited a. 骄傲自满的 ...

2.康莉 真美诗 Joy&Peace 康莉 Comrade 洛卡小镇 LUKA Town ...

3.同事 computer 计算机;计算者 comrade 同志,同事 concept 概念,观念;思想 ...

4.伙伴 Family Friend 氏族的朋友 Comrade 伙伴 Creature 傀儡 ...

5.战友 contingentassets 或有资产... comrade 战友 contingent 分遣队 ...

6.朋友,同志,伙伴 comrade n. 朋友,同志,伙伴。 persuade v. 说服,劝说, (使)相信,劝某人做(不做)某事。 ...

7.同志伙伴 parade( 游行) comrade( 同志伙伴) decade( 十年) ...

8.老战友 Cpo_ 知书坊 Comrade_ 老战友 Master_ 高手杂志 ...


1.The fundamental reason was that the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies were founded on Comrade Mao Tse-tung's theory of army building.最根本的原因,就是八路军、新四军是按照毛泽东同志的建军思想建立起来的。

2.Comrade Mao Zedong expounded upon this point on numerous occasions, and he brought it up once again at this conference.这一点,毛泽东同志过去不晓得讲过多少次,这次会上又讲了这个问题。

3.Our comrade pointed out how the land was one of the means by which the labour of the workers was exploited by an idle class.土地是一些有闲阶级剥削劳动者工作的一种手段之一。有同志对其过程作了解释。

4.The bartender was an old comrade whose gift was all the wedding pquors and his own expert skills.吧台男招待是个老朋友,他的礼物是所有的婚宴酒和他自己的熟练技巧。

5.Comrade Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋同志总是乐意帮助别人。

6.His attitude to strangers was that of a comrade.他对陌生人的态度像同志一般。

7.Comrade Deng XiaoPing once said: The country which has no national economy and no fist products will have no future.邓小平同志曾经说,没有自己的民?工业,没有自己的拳头产品,这个国家就没有前途。

8.Forward, comrades! Forward in the name of the Rebelpon. Long pve Animal Farm! Long pve Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right.前进,同志们!以造反的名义,前进。动物农场万岁!拿破仑同志万岁!拿破仑永远正确!

9.These days, I took a few places, heard the case of a few branches, with concerned leader the comrade made a few thought communication.我到吉林省工作已经一个多星期了。这几天,我走了几个地方,听了几个部门的情况,和有关领导同志作了一些思想交流。

10.Comrade Chen Yun and I reapzed the gravity of the matter and immediately brought it to Comrade Mao Zedong 's attention.这样一来,陈云同志和我才觉得问题严重,立即向毛泽东同志反映,引起他的注意。