

power:[英 [ˈpaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈpaʊɚ] ]


过去式:powered;   过去分词:powered;   现在分词:powering;   复数形式:powers;

power 基本解释

名词力量; [机]动力,功率; 政权,权力; 强国,大国

及物动词运转; 用发动机发动; 使…有力量

不及物动词靠动力行进; 快速行进

形容词权力的; 机械能的,电动的; 用电力(或动力)发动的

power 相关例句


1. Is the press a great power in your country?


2. power在线翻译

2. Some animals have the power to see in the dark.


3. The world powers will meet in Paris this summer.


4. Power should be used wisely.


5. power的意思

5. His powers are failing.


power 网络解释

1. 功率:特点:完善的热处理是本机的最在特点 采用智能温控方式,温度偏差最小化 双层保温结构最大节省能源 采用进口无级调速电机,准确调节网带运行速度 人性化设计,方便工人操作规格(SIZE) 功率(POWER) 温度(TEMP)850X6000 14KW

2. power什么意思

2. 乘方:有理数乘法(multiplication)法则:乘方:几个相同的因数相乘的运算叫做乘方(power),乘方的结果叫做幂. (power)如果有n个a相乘,可以写为an,其中an叫做a次方n,也叫做a的n次幂. a叫做幂的底数(base number),a可以取任何有理数;


3. power:performance optimized with enhanced risc; 增强型精简指令集计算机的性能优化(第二代RISC技术)

power 双语例句

1. At the present, china's export influenced by the financial crisis, the low power, high-value-added products ofwhich the proportion of international trade will comtinue to expand, which will be the direction of china's ecomomic transformation.


2. Good air-tight and water repellence characteristics, so the branch cable can supply electrical power normally in the moist environment, and can install in the air and in earth.


3. power什么意思

3. Respected for his wisdom and great power, Anon rules the sphere of Life with gentle patience.


4. They are invested with a supreme spiritual power.


5. And the amplitude is controlled by this method. Thirdly, this paper adopted the digital phase lock technique based on asynchronous varying-Frequency modulation algorithm to control the phase and frequency of the refrence current, and the power factor of the grid-connected inverter.


6. power是什么意思

6. A solid-state area illumination lighting apparatus, including a plurality of light sources, each light source having, a substrate; an organic light emitting diode layer deposited upon the substrate, the organic light emitting diode layer including first and second electrodes for providing electrical power to the OLED layer; an encapsulating cover covering the OLED layer; and first and second conductors located on the substrate and electrically connected to the first and second electrodes, and extending beyond the encapsulating cover for making electrical contact to the first and second electrodes by an external power source; and a lighting fixture for removably receiving and holding the plurality of light sources and having a plurality of first electrical contacts for making electrical connection to the first and second conductors of the light sources, and second electrical contacts for making electrical connection to an external power source.


7. According to the system requirement, a big power driver is choosen as executer.


8. power是什么意思

8. The simulation results indicate that the compound excitation control tactics is able to combine the advantages of PID+PSS excitation control with the nonlinear optimal excitation control, which makes the excitation control able to advance the stability of power system as well as the basic control function successfully.


9. power的反义词

9. Aiming at the characteristics of ship power system, two hybrid intelligent rough control methods were presented for the first time. The one is an adaptive neural PID control strategy based on RS-RBF neural networks identification; another one is excitation compound control method with rough neural inverse system feed forward compensation. The simulation results prove the validity of these methods.


10. power的意思

10. If you are an average PC user and even have the buying power, stay away from 975!


11. With the development of digital control, deadbeat control is becoming more and more important in the active power filter control.


12. A high and uniform temperature distribution along the outer surface of the combustion chamber is necessary to ensure a high radiation power density.



13. The installation can improve device operation efficiency, clear power energy, protect machines and decrease faults and costs.


14. I mean the parameters of this power supply.



15. And the minimal point of the approximation functional be calculated. Does the point convergence to the minimal point of the total power rate functional?


16. power是什么意思

16. At the same time, a person and then good friends, the power can never be underestimated.


17. If we seek to understand American foreign policy in terms of a rational engagement with international problems, or even as an effective means of projecting power, we are looking in the wrong place.


18. On the other hand, Mrs Clinton is intelligent and formidably hard-working and has undoubted star power.



19. Electromagnetism coupling, fast and stable, axis transmitting, high rate, less noise and abrasion, low failure rate; 6、new type circuit design, using inserting style integrated circuit board to control the whole packing operation and iron head temperature, separating the circuit part, and the maintenance of circuit board is conveniently; 7、new type electric-heat steel slice design, long life, fast heat fading, avoid the fault of shapeless and short circuit which general iron head usually caused; 8、may use the packing strap with 6-15mm width, ensure the adhesive efficiency consistently; 9、setting swift adjusting knob, can freely adjust the bundling power conveniently.


20. The thinner the flakes are, the more excellent water surface covering power is.


power 词典解释

1. 权力;权势;操纵力

If someone has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities.

e.g. She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence...


e.g. In a democracy, power must be divided.


2. 能力;才能

Your power to do something is your ability to do it.


e.g. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them...


e.g. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people...


3. 在…能力范围之内

If it is in or within your power to do something, you are able to do it or you have the resources to deal with it.

e.g. Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it...


e.g. Although it is not in his power to do so, he said he would rebuild the Air Base...


4. (法律赋予当权者的)权力,权限,职权

If someone in authority has the power to do something, they have the legal right to do it.


e.g. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers...


e.g. The police have the power of arrest...


5. 政权;统治权

If people take power or come to power, they take charge of a country's affairs. If a group of people are in power, they are in charge of a country's affairs.

e.g. In 1964 Labour came into power...


e.g. He first assumed power in 1970...


6. 强国;大国

You can use power to refer to a country that is very rich or important, or has strong military forces.

e.g. In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.


e.g. ...the emergence of the new major economic power, Japan.


7. 动力;功率力

The power of something is the ability that it has to move or affect things.

e.g. The Roadrunner had better power, better tyres, and better brakes.


e.g. ...massive computing power.


8. 能源;能量;(尤指)电力

Power is energy, especially electricity, that is obtained in large quantities from a fuel source and used to operate lights, heating, and machinery.

e.g. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal...


e.g. Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds...


9. 给…提供能量;驱动(机器)

The device or fuel that powers a machine provides the energy that the machine needs in order to work.

e.g. The 'flywheel' battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge...


e.g. The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines.



...battery-powered radios.


...nuclear-powered submarines.


10. 电动的

Power tools are operated by electricity.

e.g. ...large power tools, such as chainsaws.


e.g. ...a power drill.


11. (数学中的)幂,乘方

In mathematics, power is used in expressions such as 2 to the power of 4 or 2 to the 4th power to indicate that 2 must be multiplied by itself 4 times. This is written in numbers as 24, or 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, which equals 16.

e.g. Any number to the power of nought is equal to one.


12. 当权者,当局(尤指对其不赞同或不能理解其言行)

You can refer to people in authority as the powers that be, especially when you want to say that you disagree with them or do not understand what they say or do.


e.g. The powers that be, in this case the independent Television Association, banned the advertisement altogether...


e.g. The powers that be may keep us from building a house just where we want to.


相关词组:power aheadpower up

power 单语例句power的反义词

1. Hence, these people's power should not be allowed to extend to business management.

2. Zhao said lethal injection for corrupt officials was not an act of mercy for those in power.

3. New power generation will be necessary to buttress projected economic development, said Sun.

4. The CPPCC ceased to act as the supreme organ of power in 1954 when the National People's Congress was convened.

5. The CPPCC ceased to act as the supreme organ of power in September 1954 when the National People's Congress was convened.

6. An insider said Kang is accused of appropriating public money to buy stocks and interfering in the bidding results for nuclear power projects.

7. A nearby agriculture office crowded with farmers who had come to buy fertilizer was also completely destroyed and power to the area was cut off.

8. It would raise inflation in the US and reduce Americans'buying power, and decrease the value of China's holdings as well as its export capability.

9. Because of the increasing cost of buying coal, the government in 2004 decided to approve the mechanism linking coal and power prices.

10. Rising labor cost and more buying power has shot up prices of essentials and other goods.

power的解释power 英英释义



1. physical strength

Synonym: mightmightiness

2. possession of controlling influence

e.g. the deterrent power of nuclear weapons

the power of his love saved her

his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade

Synonym: powerfulness

3. possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done

e.g. danger heightened his powers of discrimination

Synonym: ability

4. a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself

Synonym: exponentindex

5. a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world

Synonym: world powermajor powergreat powersuperpower

6. a very wealthy or powerful businessman

e.g. an oil baron

Synonym: baronbig businessmanbusiness leaderkingmagnatemogultop executivetycoon

7. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority

e.g. the mysterious presence of an evil power

may the force be with you

the forces of evil

Synonym: force

8. (physics) the rate of doing work

measured in watts (= joules/second)

9. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power

e.g. being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage

during his first year in office

during his first year in power

the power of the president

Synonym: office


1. supply the force or power for the functioning of

e.g. The gasoline powers the engines