

puzzled:[英 [ˈpʌzld] 美 [ˈpʌzəld] ]


  现在分词:puzzling;   复数形式:puzzles;

puzzled 基本解释


动词( puzzle的过去式)使迷惑,使难解



puzzled 网络解释

1. (迷惑):在中国,老师进教室时,学生起立(stand up)是理所当然的事,而这一举动却使这位外籍教师有点迷惑(puzzled). 6. 这位外籍教师恢复了(regained)平静. 7. 这位外籍教师确信自己一定能赢得学生的尊敬,甚至(even)赢得他们的钦佩. 11.

2. 眼花缭乱:Two little beautiful girls两个漂亮的小女孩 | Lookin puzzled, in a daze眼花缭乱 | I know its confusing you我知道这让你们迷惑不解

3. 迷惑的:amazed 惊奇的 | puzzled 迷惑的 | ambiguous 模棱两可的

4. 不明白,感到疑惑:on and off 断断续续的 | puzzled 不明白,感到疑惑 | rapid economic growth 快速的经济发展

puzzled 双语例句

1. He then reached into his pocker and pulled out a chicken sandwich, He looked puzzled for a second


2. During the past time, people puzzled out a TV host's personal character from his voice, dress, or body action. Though a TV host appearing in a programm with sweet and beautiful voice, elegant dress and good manners, he may looked like a model standing in a clothing store, for he never spoke anything about himself.


3. People are puzzled at this, but I figure if the world comes to an end and I'm


4. People are puzzled at this, but I figure if the world comes to an end and I'm desperate for a snack, I don't want to hand over a whole ingot for a cheese sandwich.


5. For years I have puzzled over the inept communication of simple directions, especially those given me when touring.



6. AZONA today the style with Ji Yan melting and luxuriant interpret, small coat, medium the sleeve short unlined upper garment, pants that reach knee, short skirt, clipping is distinct, lightsome and optional; Refined Wen Wan's delicate cotton cloth, frivolous snow spinning is euphemistic Yi couple, cloth of metallic gauze blending reachs knitted piece goods of silk floss blending, the simple sense of overhang and flow is full of be puzzled of mysterious fawn on; The colour of numerous beautiful romance, profusion is flowery, what golden pink fastens is tie-in, take you to experience dream and memory.


7. The confusion of VoIP conception and the vagueness of its significance make the majority of telecom carriers puzzled and result in the unpractical propaganda in the market.


8. In front of our ephemeral life, many are puzzled and ask themselves: Why are we here?


9. I was puzzled by the problems set in the exams, i can't make an answer.


10. The state of being perplexed or puzzled.

困惑,茫然困惑或令人费解的状态; J- W Z。

11. puzzled的意思

11. I am puzzled how the world came into being.


12. puzzled

12. I'm puzzled about the situation.


13. I don't think that your speech has got across to the crowd, for they appeare quite puzzled.


14. puzzled的翻译

14. Continuous visual impact of black and white people square the fifth space, though feels a bit云里雾里, puzzled, but it attracted a lot of people`s attention; Yu Lang international appearance reminiscent of the past, hotel apartments, to promote the fifth space Yu Long International, in Xi`an seems to have been the eyes of the public space of urban legends wealth.


15. puzzled的翻译

15. Fourier Algorithm has been deeply applied in digital protection, however it was puzzled about whether coefficients a or b are real or image part of the phasor.


16. puzzled的意思

16. He bamboozles every test thrown at him. He has puzzled the greatest medical minds, and sent many of them gibbering to their own hospitals.


17. puzzled

17. Youth who're lack of social experience are easily puzzled by the outer man.


18. puzzled是什么意思

18. I was more than puzzled, I was intrigued.


19. Question:Why is the woman puzzled?


20. This puzzled Cosette, because of the odor of embalming which proceeded from it.


puzzled 词典解释

1. 迷惑的;困惑的;无法理解的

Someone who is puzzled is confused because they do not understand something.

e.g. Critics remain puzzled by the British election results...


e.g. Norman looked puzzled.


puzzled 单语例句

1. One is puzzled by the incongruity between this negative portrayal and the energized commercial activism of foreign luxury goods makers in China.

2. It covered everything from her childhood to her career in law to her puzzled reaction to a hotshot law student interning at her firm.

3. Bryant admitted to being puzzled concerning the Lakers'lack of consistency from an effort standpoint this season.

4. I instantly knew something was wrong, but the technical guy at the control desk seemed puzzled.

5. " We are puzzled by the complainants'decision to initiate the panel process, " China said after the US and Mexico spoke.

6. Chinese university students are puzzled at what they are taught of Marxist theory, and the gap of the free market practices which the top leadership has adopted.

7. I felt puzzled in front of the various beer brands from all over the world.

8. The Ministry of Health is still puzzled by certain cases where children developed kidney stones without having taken milk containing the toxic melamine.

9. But as we live in a universe composed overwhelmingly of matter today, physicists have been puzzled by the apparent " disappearance " of antimatter.

10. Such questions as why a loving couple would later separate or even become enemies puzzled him deeply.

puzzled 英英释义


1. filled with bewilderment

e.g. at a loss to understand those remarks

puzzled that she left without saying goodbye

Synonym: at a loss(p)nonplusednonplussed