

molt:[英 [məʊlt] 美 [molt] ]


过去式:molted;   过去分词:molted;   现在分词:molting;

molt 基本解释




molt 网络解释

1. 蜕皮:在黏膜深处产卵,迅速孵化为杆状蚴而至肠腔,该蚴在肠腔内发育,增大变长,随粪排出,在土壤中发育,蜕皮(molt)变成具感染性的丝状蚴. 丝状蚴在适当的机会侵入人体皮肤或黏膜,进入血流至肺. 经气管、咽部、食管、胃而进入肠道.

2. molt在线翻译

2. 换羽:或夹在色素间有多角形无色的折光细胞,这些无色透明的结构如同三棱镜一样起着折光作用,因而产生不同的色彩.鸟类有季节性换羽(molt)现象,可以认为与蜕皮相当.大多数鸟类一年有两次换羽:春季换羽和秋季换羽,

3. 换毛:Molotov cocktail 燃烧弹 | molt 换毛 | molten 熔化

4. 人淋巴细胞白血病细胞:小鼠红白血病细胞 MEL | 人淋巴细胞白血病细胞 MOLT-4 | 人胚肺成纤维细胞 MRC-5

molt 双语例句


1. The preliminary bioassay showed that some title compounds exhibit good or moderate larvicidal activity to the Mythimna separata and induce a premature, abnormal, and lethal larval molt.


2. molt的近义词

2. It is concluded that the vinblastine can solely induce arrest of MOLT-4 cells at M phease. This study provides experimental basis for further investigating the relation of cell cycle arrest to apoptosis, mechanism of checkpoint and developtment of new anticancer drugs.



3. In recent years, Bishydrazide were developed as a new class of insect growth regular, which were highly effective and selective to the target pests and friendly to the environment. Like 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), Bishydrazide analogs bind to the receptor complex, a heterdimer of the ecdysone receptor and ultraspiracle proteins and induce the transcription of the early genes. However, because of the persistence of the Bishydrazide compounds in the insect body, the events that occur in the absence of 20E do not proceed, the expression of the genes such as DOPA decarboxylase is repressed, chitin is not synthesized, the eclosion hormone can not be released and the end results is an incomplete precocious molt, resulting in the death of the larva.


4. Further Annexin V and JC-1 staining experimental results showed that Destruxin B caused Molt-4, Toledo cell death by mitochondrial membrane potential changed to induce apoptosis.

利用Annexin V染色及JC-1染色的方式更进一步地证实出Destruxin B会引起Molt-4、Toledo细胞死亡是经由粒线体膜电位改变引起细胞凋亡,而非坏死。

5. In biological facial beautification, bioactive polypetide havs biologocal regulation function over various celluar biological functions and metabolic activities; it also promotes convergence, diminishes inflammation and growth of multiple celluars effectively, and has outstanding restoration and skin-care effect over all kinds of impaired skin(such as small defect, molt, flush, burning caused by ultraviolet irradiation and so on.).


6. The peptides eclosion hormone and ecdysis |triggering hormone trigger ecdysis behaviors and other physiological changes which occur at the end of the molt.


7. molt是什么意思

7. This is not the case so leave the discarded shell in for them to eat when they eventually molt.


8. Isn't it a good idea to molt right here?


9. As you transform into full consciousness, see yourself as a bird in the molt about to take wing.


10. Objective To observe the bioeffects of Molt 4 cells treated with low frequency ultrasound and to study the feasibility of cancer treatment by low frequency ultrasound.

目的 研究低频超声对Molt- 4肿瘤细胞的细胞周期和细胞凋亡的影响,并评价低频超声在肿瘤治疗中的应用价值。

11. I was on every level by level to the next molt, the tension like going to explode.


12. molt什么意思

12. When a tarantula approaches a molt, it may not eat for at least a week prior to the molt.


13. molt在线翻译

13. When faced with a flock of spent hens, an egg farmer may choose to induce production again by way of a forced molt--accomplished with starvation and water deprivation for periods of up to two weeks.


14. The spatial shift of Caspase 3 activity in MOLT-4 cells induced by X-ray is one of the mechanisms of apoptosis.

活性Caspase 3在凋亡细胞中空间位相的移行是放射诱导的细胞凋亡机制之一。

15. molt是什么意思

15. A study on the effects of different diets and feeding levels on the molt of Chinese...


16. molt什么意思

16. During its last molt, it loses its carapace before curling into its pupal form.


17. molt

17. Small birds molt once or twice a year, and they replace their 9 or 10 primary flight feathers a few at a time over the course of a few weeks.


18. molt的反义词

18. The tests usually used survival, growth, reproduction as endpoints. The presence of a large development is using molt frequency, intermolt duration, body length, antennal segment addition as endpoints.


19. Stimulus of 15°C, while newly hatched larvae were. The results indicate that the mental course of S. ratti larvae external to the host is determined at a relatively early stage before the first molt.



20. From the newly-hatched silkworm to the first molt for the first age; sleep since entered the second age; again, after molting into the third age; after the third molt into the fourth age, the fourth molting also known as The Big Sleep.


molt 词典解释

1. -> see moult

molt 单语例句molt是什么意思

1. Rob Molt of San Diego said he feverishly bid for days to win his $ 475 ticket.

2. Few appear as ambitious as Christian Molt of Allianz, who believes that he has a better chance to rule the roost than his competitors.

3. He said Emperor penguins can spend months at a time in the ocean, coming ashore only to molt or rest.

molt 英英释义


1. periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles

Synonym: moltingmoultmoultingecdysis


1. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers

e.g. our dog sheds every Spring

Synonym: shedexuviatemoultslough