

stupor:[英 [ˈstju:pə(r)] 美 [ˈstu:pə(r)] ]



stupor 基本解释

名词昏迷; 恍惚; 目光呆滞; 惊愕


stupor 相关例句


1. stupor的解释

1. He collapsed in a drunken stupor.


stupor 网络解释

1. 木僵:分为协调性和不协调性精神运动性兴奋两种 .(一)木僵(stupor) (二)违拗(negativism)(三)蜡样屈曲(waxy flexibility) (四)缄默刻板动作模仿动作意向倒错(parabulia)精神分裂症(schizophrenia)是一种病因未明的常见精神疾病,

2. 昏睡:(2)昏睡(stupor)意识清醒水平较前者降低,需高声喊叫或较强烈的疼痛刺激方可能唤醒,醒后表情茫然,能简单、含混和不完全地回答问话,检查时不能合作,刺激停止后立刻进入熟睡.


3. 昏迷:昏睡 soma | 昏迷 stupor | 嗜睡somnolence ;sleepiness; drowiness ; lethargy

4. 木僵,昏呆:projectile vomiting 喷射性呕吐 | stupor 木僵,昏呆 | tetraplegia 四肢瘫痪

stupor 双语例句

1. stupor

1. By this time stupor had given place to anxiety, and anxiety began to make room for hunger and thirst.


2. stupor

2. Marius had risen, and was staring in a sort of stupor at this being, who was almost like the forms of the shadows which traverse dreams.



3. Apparently the expressive sound of human feeling recalled the poor girl from the stupor of fear.


4. Then he slides into the stupor of the disease that has blanked his memory.


5. By the time the ruddiness sissipated and the night itself awoke from its stupor, the passengers in their cabins had awakened, glistening with sweat; after bathing, they hurried out on deck to catch the ocean breeze.


6. Intravenous infusion of a high concentration of BCAA with THF 500 ml mixed with 50% glucose 80 ml per day was given for 3 to 7 days. Evaluation consciousness and determination of serum ammonia were studied before and after treatments. The consciousness levels were classified into 5 grades: grade 0: No abnormal, grade i: trivial lack of awareness, grade ii: lethargy or apathy, grade iii: somnolence to smi-stupor and confused, grade iv: coma.

按Parsons-Smith之意识型态分类其意识昏迷程度在ii度以上,才开始给予分枝氨基酸输液,本研究给予病人含高浓度BCAA之THF输液每500ml加上50%葡萄糖80 ml混合静脉以2-3小时点滴注射,经过3至7日观察其反应及其血中之氨改变情形。

7. stupor

7. Luhrmann doesn`t simply want to rouse your laughter and tears: he wants to rouse you out of a sensory-overloaded stupor with jolts of passion and fabulous visions.


8. A brutal kick in his side brought him out of his stupor.


9. stupor的近义词

9. At this double discharge, whose fury seemed augmented by the stupor of the night, Jean Valjean started; he rose, turning towards the quarter whence the noise proceeded; then he fell back upon the post again, folded his arms, and his head slowly sank on his bosom again.


10. Let's face it, even in my drunken stupor I'm more civilized than half those bastards.


11. Dissociative stupor is diagnosed on the basis of a profound diminution or absence of voluntary movement and normal responsiveness to external stimuli such as light, noise, and touch, but examination and investigation reveal no evidence of a physical cause.


12. This state may be followed either by further withdrawal from the surrounding situation (to the extent of a dissociative stupor-F44.2), or by agitation and over-activity. Autonomic signs of panic anxiety (tachycardia, sweating, flushing) are commonly present.


13. I enclasped him, I treat already the stupor to release say, release, regardless of who wanted to injure you, I will tear to shreds him, because, you were my world.


14. When the grateful laypeople offered him some liquor, he drank it joyfully, lost control of himself, and lay about in the streets in a drunken stupor, like a piece of trash.


15. stupor在线翻译

15. It's as if our entire civilization has been in a stupor.


16. stupor的反义词

16. In the stupor, the gram Norbys soul appeared, gives him to go to the Dick planet to seek for the enlightenment which the giddying warrior old teachers and friends reached.


17. When Ron came in, I was in a stupor, staring at the television.


18. This only caused an increase of his stupor.


19. He rubbed his forehead harshly with his knuckles, like a man in an alcoholic stupor, and snickered lewdly


20. He rubbed his forehead harshly with his knukles, like a man in an alcoholic stupor, and snickered lewdly.


stupor 词典解释

1. (尤指由于醉酒或吸毒而出现的)神志不清,恍惚,不省人事

Someone who is in a stupor is almost unconscious and is unable to act or think normally, especially as a result of drink or drugs.

e.g. He fell back onto the sofa in a drunken stupor...


e.g. He was drinking himself into a stupor every night.


stupor 单语例句

1. If push comes to shove we will certainly not stand idly by in catatonic stupor and ignominiously let Taiwan drift away from the motherland.

2. I was just thankful that in my dozy stupor I was not tempted to try and catch one of the " snowflakes " on my tongue.

3. Hu reportedly fought with his wife in a drunken stupor and beat her.

4. But she was shaken out of her stupor when the phone rang and a weak, low voice spoke to her.

5. One woman in a blue dress shook her head and pranced about under the bridge as though in some hallucinogenic stupor.

6. Some folks seem to stay stuck in the stupor, even after the prey has been devoured!

7. We are so ensconced in the comforts of our times that nothing beyond the immediate can break our stupor.

8. We looked at each other in a sleepy stupor until we realized we need to buy tickets.

9. When Geng awoke from his drugged stupor and began screaming for help, the man and Wang stabbed him to death with a knife.

10. The revived Wang grabbed a police officer's helmet in his stupor - before bumping his head against the wall again.

stupor 英英释义


1. marginal consciousness

e.g. his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows

someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor

Synonym: grogginessstupefactionsemiconsciousness

2. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally

e.g. his mother's death left him in a daze

he was numb with shock

Synonym: dazeshock