

plantation:[英 [plɑ:nˈteɪʃn] 美 [plænˈteɪʃn] ]



plantation 基本解释

名词栽植; 种植园,大农场; 殖民,殖民地

plantation 相关例句


1. He once owned a cotton plantation.


plantation 网络解释

1. 耕地:研究员们在健康中心和佛州耕地(Plantation)癌症研究网络(Cancer Research Network)进行了BZL101的一期试验,有21位患有转移性四期乳腺癌病人参加了试验,尽管病人曾经历过平均四个标准治疗疗程,包括化学和激素疗法,但癌症还在继续发展.

2. 農場:国际通用代号为 EXW,属出口地价,指在卖方工厂 (Factory, Mill),农场 (Plantation)或仓库 (Warehouse)等交货的贸易条件. 买方负担将货物由此处运至目的地所有风险及成本,除非另有约定,否则将货物装上买方准备的运输工具,不是卖方的责任.

3. 农庄:她将在买主的农庄(plantation)之内,度过劳苦的一生. 不再有机会,走出庄园一步. 如果,她擅自逃离了主人的庄园,势必接受最严厉的惩罚. 有时,主人会将脱逃者当众凌虐至死. 好做出一个明确的警惕,让其他的奴隶不再逃跑. 奴隶之间,

plantation 双语例句

1. plantation的意思

1. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest King Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others.



2. The study on self-thinning mechanism will provide referencefor density management and regulation of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation.


3. The rate of returning green of puna in the first year of plantation was 80%, and 65% in the next year.


4. plantation

4. Fishermen tribe, maintaining their traditional fishing industry, started farming on hills, gradually expanded the plantation, and eventually cultivated the Chengdu Plain, then built the country.


5. He says bunchy top disease and banana bacterial wilt can both affect entire plantation s.


6. The results indicated that the bacteria species in Eucalyptus plantation soil are relatively abundance. Further sequence analysis showed that the dominant bacteria in this Eucalyptus plantation soil were Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria which was 40% and 27%, respectively.


7. plantation什么意思

7. I am not one of your plantation beaux.


8. I'm not one of your plantation beaux.


9. I`m not one of your plantation beaux.


10. plantation

10. If time that 95% of dry matter is decomposed expresses turnoverperiod of litterfall decomposition, the turnover periods of Chinese fir, Castanopsis fissa, Schimasuperba, Castanopsis fargesii, ficus simplicissima, Maesa japonica, Boehmeria nivea, Woodwardiajaponica, Angiopteris fokiensis and Dicranopteris dicotoma put in 20-year-old Chinese firplantation are 2.7, 2.1, 3.0, 2.2, 0.5, 1.9, 0.3, 1.5, 0.9 and 3.9 years, respectively; they are 2.2, 1.6, 2.0, 1.6, 0.3, 1.7, 0.4, 1.3, 0.7 and 2.8 years put in 25-year-old Chinese fir plantation, respectively.


11. Later, Cortez established a cocoa plantation in the name of Spain.


12. plantation

12. The General Chapter of 1287 speaks of the order as of a plantation of recent growth.

总务章1287谈到了经济秩序作为一项人工林的近期增长( plantatio中篇小说)。

13. There was a plantation-type mansion, huge grounds girdled by a rich black-dirt bridle path, stables and pasture for a herd of horses.


14. Based on field study, the authors analyze the conflicts betw-een population and development during the process of Handing Back plowland and plantation.


15. Scholaris plantation optimal pattern. Results show that growth of A. scholaris is enhanced when planted in high density at 417 plants per hectare over low density planting, and is significantly affected by slope direction. However, in lower density planting, plant growth is not significantly affected by slope direction. Within a certain density range, plant density has no significant effect on the growth of A. scholar in shady-slopes. Sunny-slopes are most favorable to A. scholar growth. Under the system of monoculture, total biomass per plant(2.717 kg) is much higher than that of agroforestry systems such as A. scholaris and Camellia sinensis (2.598 kg), and A.

结果表明:在较高种植密度(株行距为4m×6m)条件下,不同种植坡向间糖胶树生长差异较大,而在低密度条件下,坡向对植株的生长影响不大;在一定种植密度范围内,阴坡的种植密度对糖胶树的生长影响不大,且阴坡条件不利于糖胶树的生长,而阳坡则较适宜;不同种植模式下的糖胶树单株生物量不同,荒坡纯种(2.717 kg)较糖胶树+茶叶种植模式(2.598 kg)以及糖胶树+咖啡模式(2.500 kg)高。

16. The newly developed appraisal software has three function modules such as data management module, statistical analysis module and diagram module. The software includes 140 mathematical appraisal methods in 8 categories such as experimental design, sampling, statistic, multi-statistic, professional statistic, linear programming, management decision and model etc. The software almost covers all appraisal method and can satisfy the appraisal of tropical plantation.


17. Focus will be laid on the cooperation in land development, agricultural plantation, breeding technologies, food security, agricultural machinery and the processing of agricultural and side-line products.


18. Born on a sugar plantation in eastern Cuba on August 13, 1926, Fidel Castro Ruz was the son of a Spanish immigrant landholder and a household servant.



19. Our country`s deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz, etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people`s work and life.


20. plantation

20. The results as follow:(1) Fine root respiration rate were closely related to fine root morphology, anatomy, and tissue nitrogen concentration in L. gmelinii and F. mandshurica plantation.


plantation 词典解释

1. (尤指在热带国家的)种植园,大农场

A plantation is a large piece of land, especially in a tropical country, where crops such as rubber, coffee, tea, or sugar are grown.

e.g. ...banana plantations in Costa Rica.


2. 人造林

A plantation is a large number of trees that have been planted together.

e.g. ...a plantation of almond trees.


plantation 单语例句

1. Staff at the Metehara sugar factory ventured into a nearby cane plantation last week to search for a missing worker.

2. His body was found hours later in a sugar cane plantation near the city of Villanueva.

3. The province has the highest plantation acreage, output and cash crop production in the country.

4. The production has toured more than 20 countries on three continents, in venues as diverse as a ruined plantation house in Atlanta to Windsor Castle.

5. The company also plans to expand further overseas and to create an eco chocolate factory at its cocoa plantation in St Lucia.

6. The cocoa butter first needs to be transported from the plantation prior to manufacturing facilities of major chocolate makers.

7. He says he would never have been able to own his 42 hectare tea plantation farm if he hadn't been given credit.

8. The plantation will gradually take a crescent shape embracing the village, just like a helmet over a head.

9. The bodies were discovered Saturday morning along with two critically injured survivors at the mobile home park built on the grounds of a historic plantation.

10. The fertile and soft brown soil, plenty of rain and small lakes dot the plantation.

plantationplantation 英英释义


1. garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth

Synonym: grovewoodletorchard

2. an estate where cash crops are grown on a large scale (especially in tropical areas)