

accede:[英 [əkˈsi:d] 美 [ækˈsid] ]


过去式:acceded;   过去分词:acceded;   现在分词:acceding;

accede 基本解释


不及物动词答应; (正式)加入; (通过财产的添附而)增加; 开始任职


accede 相关例句


1. Father and son acceded to the same political party.


2. The only child acceded to the family estate.



3. The prince acceded to the throne when the king died.


4. accede

4. We acceded to his request.


5. The chairperson acceded under pressure.


accede 网络解释

1. 同意,应允:abuse 虐待,辱骂 | accede 同意,应允 | accelerate 加快,加速

2. accede

2. 同意:susceptible 易受影响,易感的 | accede 同意 | access 使用或接近的,权利,接近,通路

3. accede是什么意思

3. 答应,同意:cede割让,放弃 | accede答应,同意 | antecede先行,先于

4. 应允,同意:cede 割让(土地,权利) | accede 应允,同意 | recede 退去;缩进;收回,撤回

accede 双语例句

1. But patients often clamor for something and doctors too often accede to their patients'demands.


2. For instance, because, the work that A keeps is not OK the heir on the dead arrange of A of the name of B, because sign, authority is person right, cannot as accede and transfer; But, publication right, duplicate right can gift through accredit agreement other one party comes exercise.

比如,A 写完的作品是不可以因为 A 的死亡署上继承人 B 的名字的,因为署名权是人身权利,不可随着继承而转移;但是,出版的权利、复制的权利都可以通过授权协议来赋予另一方来行使。

3. In the world the process of economic globalization, WTO has not only failed to create a monopoly, but to enhance the trading, breaking the monopoly, the world`s growing number of countries are striving to accede to the WTO.


4. accede的翻译

4. But, this, can gold wine accede again of series of Shi Yuzhu gold brilliant former days?


5. Meanwhile, fifteen of Africa's aloft active of accompaniment accept been affair in Mali to accede what THEY can do to abetment political and bread-and-butter development.


6. If the U. S. and Russia accede to it, will China consider doing so too?



7. The membrane is perceived as a soft crystal of Ice, and it must be crossed to accede, like a natural experience.


8. Proceed from current situations of civil project managing, the paper proposes developing strategies for it after our country to accede to WTO.


9. accede

9. Members of the League of Nations which have not signed the present Convention before December 1, 1921, may accede to it.


10. Any country of the Union which has signed this Act may ratify it, and, if it has not signed it, may accede to it.



11. This Protocol shall enter into force among the States that ratify or accede to it when they deposit their respective instruments of ratification or accession with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.


12. accede在线翻译

12. This Convention shall be open to accession by all States not members of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization which are invited by the General Conference of the Organization to accede to it.


13. I say Hashmap because Haspmap does not have real life significance, this example is very not quite (perhaps say disadvantageous understanding, also be OK of course say connect), and important is it had been implementation kind, it did not go again abstraction comes out one layer, because we say those who play hurdle race game normally, be hurdle race athlete, is not can the person of hurdle race, such thinking is the most natural most Oo, because no matter be a person or can the implementation of hurdle race interface cannot represent hurdle race athlete, because of the abstraction of athlete of a hurdle race may be being made when this is designed, again the athlete that fractionize fastens different leg for different sex: Athlete of hurdle race of Implements of column of Public Class 110 is not Implements of person of Extends of Public 110 column can hurdle race, here became much an abstraction is much more natural (hurdle race athlete just is support of the people can the abstraction of hurdle race, 110 column are to have the thing that change more, should not accede directly or come true), to playing hurdle race game this method (the original poster's design can be used only specific kind), it is of the original intention of Joshua Bloch that this moment delivers excel of interface of hurdle race athlete to hand kind of gift.

我之所以说hashmap这个例子不太好是因为haspmap没有实际的生活意义(或者说不便理解,当然也是可以说的通的),而且重要的是它已经是实现类了,它并没有再去抽象一层出来,因为我们通常说参加跨栏比赛的是跨栏运动员,而不是能跨栏的人,这样的思维最自然最oo,因为无论是人或者能跨栏接口的实现都不能代表跨栏运动员,因此设计的时候可能会做一个跨栏运动员的抽象,再细分为不同性别不同赛程的运动员:public class 110栏 implements 跨栏运动员而不是 public 110栏 extends 人 implements 能跨栏,这里多了一层抽象就自然多了(跨栏运动员才是人和能跨栏的抽象,110栏是更具化的东西,不应该直接去继承或实现),对于参加跨栏比赛这个方法(楼主的设计只能使用具体类),这个时候传递跨栏运动员接口优于传递类才是joshua bloch 的初衷的吧。

14. A Queen Regnant must accede to the wishes of her Minister as to the personnel of the female part of her Household.



15. I accede to and organize, there is mysterious people's letter, send me a APTX4869, let me eat, flee from this place.


16. It can be accurately judged through the following: adopting vacuole of indicator to accede to Solution, properly estimating of the tritration end - point and choosing correct observational location and angle.

采 用指示剂的液泡加入法,合理估计滴定终点,正确选择观察点和观察角度等经验方法均可以减少实验误差,较准确地判断滴定终点。

17. The step on economic progress of Deng Xiaoping talks the theory that accede and developed Marx to grow about economy, to the economy of our country development has common sense.


18. It accedes not only and developed the theory about development, and the theory that accede and developed to innovate about reform, reflected new the emancipatory thought that a the Party Central Committee leads collective to hold to a party, be practical and realistic, with when the thought course that all takes, be brave in to reform the sturdy sex of innovation.


19. They would not let him accede to a tenured position in his department.


20. accede

20. As the teacher, answer and the child together, ramble is in the 100 gardens of poetry, the extraordinary splendour confused that appreciates it is shown and never the river that the glamour; of attenuation roams in poetry, speak with the culture elite that came 100000, the child of great; church that feels motherland culture as a child not refus brooklet, seeper becomes deep pool in the future, accede and develop the traditional culture of the motherland.


accede 词典解释

1. 答应;同意

If you accede to someone's request, you do what they ask.

e.g. Britain would not accede to France's request.


e.g. I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset.


2. (君主)即位

When a member of a royal family accedes to the throne, they become king or queen.

e.g. ...when Henry VIII acceded to the throne.


accede 单语例句

1. In Washington, the State Department said it would not accede to the demands.

2. If we still refuse to accede to this during recession, we will sow painful seeds for our next generation with blind stimulus.

3. Encourage more countries to accede to the BWC and urge all its States Parties to fulfil their obligations in a comprehensive and faithful manner.

4. India also was scheduled to sign the same treaty on Wednesday, and ASEAN leaders want South Korea and Japan to accede to it soon.

5. The drivers threaten a public protest if the govenment fails to accede to the demand.

6. They also agree to continue consultation on China's intention to accede to the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

7. He said it was possible Washington could accede to the treaty this week.

8. China was the first ASEAN Dialogue Partner to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in October 2003 in Bali.

accede 英英释义



1. to agree or express agreement

e.g. The Maestro assented to the request for an encore

Synonym: assentacquiesce

2. yield to another's wish or opinion

e.g. The government bowed to the military pressure

Synonym: submitbowdefergive in

3. take on duties or office

e.g. accede to the throne

Synonym: enter