

roadside:[英 [ˈrəʊdsaɪd] 美 [ˈroʊdsaɪd] ]



roadside 基本解释

名词路边,路旁; 路旁(的),路边(的)(树木等)

形容词路边的; 路旁的

roadside 相关例句


1. The woman walked along the roadside.


roadside 网络解释


1. 路边:roadmap 路标 | roadside 路边 | roadster 跑车

2. 路帝:roadbed 路床 | roadside 路帝 | roadside ditch 公路边沟

3. roadside什么意思

3. 路旁:fireplace壁炉 | roadside路旁 | sunshine阳光

4. roadside

4. 路旁带:road-roller路碾 | roadside路旁带 | roadsidebreakdown汽车抛锚

roadside 双语例句

1. roadside的翻译

1. On May 18, morning 9:30 I driving yourself the 5008 small cars from ten spot type cross-country shan fine blunt small one elementary school reunion, when the rain came long rich, only 55Km + 900m road, and rugged construction to learn exactly rain chung-ho, roadside pile cap fence stone, had a lot of bad road, become more difficult driving.

2009年5月18日,上午9:30左右我驾驶着自己的众泰5008小越野型汽车从十八连山乡细冲完小独木小学到雨汪,当来到富长线55Km+900m 处,只见路面崎岖不平,加之正好雨汪中学在建盖围墙,路边堆了很多石头,本来就不好的路面,变得行车更加艰难。

2. Two men accelerate to flee suddenly to side a roadside male youth, robs in his hand's black suitcase, after rapidly runs away.


3. roadside的反义词

3. If you do not do something for more than just want to stimulate, it is necessary to meet the emotional self, I hope you go the way you are, do not hurt the roadside trees, birds and beasts.


4. In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside.


5. We went there with peter, but his car was anchored off the roadside befor we were on midway.


6. roadside

6. Collocated with FCIA tip lorry, 1YC-50 hydraulic pressure hole forming tree planter is applied to tree transplanting work for virescence area of roadside and outskirts of city.


7. Every woman yearns for in a long life on the road, and close the hand and the line ofpeople, keeps close, but the reality is that he always likely child, leaving you to go in front of a person, or fall behind, was attracted by the roadside flowers and plants recover by bees and butterflies and forget.


8. roadside的解释

8. Supplies and some days'rest are essential: the soldiers are exhausted by hunger and fatigue; during the last few days many have died by the roadside or in the bivouacs.


9. The car arrived at Lintingko in BaodiCounty, where a horse carriage was waiting at the roadside.


10. The car arrived at Lintingko in Baodi County, where a horse carriage was waiting at the roadside.


11. The sun was rising high, people are still sleeping with, along the way, I saw that this old lady on the roadside two Tangchi where their feet.


12. There is a roadside sale of Tian Pindian Shuangpi Nai, very authentic, and Guangzhou, like the flavor.



13. Escape route, the car broke down, she and her two children parked on the roadside of waiting, the blue the knapweed in bloom, she would use this kind of flower plait, wear in nine years wreath of William chest.


14. Beside a sign that warns of rock falls, a few farmhouses sit at the foot of the silent hills. After the earthquake that hit China in May, roadside homes and factories in this rural area of Hongbai Town in Sichuan have been abandoned.


15. roadside

15. Roadside umbrella watching the couple walk厮Tama-yan ear sideburns language twitter, 沥沥rain hit my face in the cold waves continuous涌上心头, once sweet and well-being of people who love to therein non-, and I am still wandering in vain in the corner of the city's pursuit of struggling to remember the happiness of passing away.


16. Roadside bombs remain a major threat in Afghanistan, but the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles first fielded in Iraq often proved too heavy for Afghanistan`s primitive roads and mountainous terrain.


17. Now it's your turn to share yours-either merging traffic that knocked your main love interest off the road, or exit ramps you've taken, or were tempted to take, for roadside attractions.


18. The army said they were known militants who carried out a roadside ambush that killed a Jewish settler on Thursday.


19. August 20 evening of 22:00, Rongzhen comrades from the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region command in advance is too roadside ambush in the group of 15 troops and at the same time the railway line to pounce.


20. She quietly kissed the fertile soil, soil wetting; she softly calling his brother was sleeping grass, grass stretch, stuck his head in; she could not wait to Naonao sister's itch peach, peach laugh red face; she playfully fiddle with the willow sister's hair, Liu Ya is more green; her uncle, a bath Youji roadside trees, trees seem to just put on new clothes defender general, may be of spirit......


roadside 词典解释

1. 路旁;路边

The roadside is the area at the edge of a road.

e.g. Bob was forced to leave the car at the roadside and run for help...


e.g. Roadside cafes are now a big part of the catering industry.


roadside 单语例句

1. For a brief moment I pause and watch the bustle of the artisans on the roadside.

2. Roadside bombs are by far the biggest killers of US forces in Iraq.

3. All but one of the soldiers were killed by roadside bombs, by far the biggest killers of US troops in Iraq.

4. The military said the tanker was in a convoy attacked by a roadside bomb, a grenade and small arms fire.

5. It is understandable that many viewers would readily believe that the dumplings being sold by the roadside contained chopped up cardboard.

6. A nearby schoolhouse believed to be used for training terrorists had instructions for making roadside bombs written on a chalkboard.

7. The children get hungry and clamor for the local cherries and strawberries that are being sold by the roadside.

8. A dusty roadside motel that opened in the United States 84 years ago has grown into a symbol of class an ocean away in China.

9. Their duties included persuading illegal roadside peddlers to close up shop and publicizing urban management regulations to local citizens.

10. A homeless garbage collector was in for a pleasant surprise when cops found him on a Shanghai roadside recently.

roadside 英英释义


1. edge of a way or road or path

e.g. flowers along the wayside

Synonym: wayside