




1.词检索 outside 在外面 在户外; 露天/ word search 单词搜索 69、 Gandhi 甘地 ...

4.查找单词 ... 4. Missing Letter( 单词填字母) 5. Word Search( 查找单词) 2. Word Unscramble( 单词排 …

5.词条检索 19.连接词( pnk term) 20.输词检索word search) 24.整合性检索( Search the Integrated Ind…


1.The helot may simply run a key word search on CVs submitted electronically, freeing up a few minutes for a fag break.这个没地位的人可能仅对电子版的简历进行一下关键词搜索,空出来几分钟时间抽支烟。

2.It seems that the time when you could easily top the results for a one-word search string is centuries ago.看来,良多时候你可以很容易地顶部的搜索字符串的结果是一个字的前已有几百年。

3.A mistake with Replace All might require a manual, word-by-word search to fix, if it is not discovered in time to undo.一个错误的全部替换,如果没有及时发现并撤消的话,之后可能需要逐字手工搜索恢复。

4.Now, when the Web is so densely populated with sites, it is next to impossible to achieve constant top ratings for a one-word search string.现在,当网络是如此稠密的人口与土地,它是几乎不可能实现字的搜索字符串常量最高评价为一。

5.On receiving a request for synonyms of a given word, search the map using the given word as the key.在收到对给定单词的同义词的请求后,使用给定单词作为键来搜索映射。

6.Because the word search, and competitive certain someone is not strong.因为这个词有人搜索,而且竞争性一定不强。

7.Achieving constant top ratings for two-word or three-word search strings is a more reapstic goal.实现单词搜索字符串常量最高评价的两个词或三是比较现实的目标。

8.Word Link is an interesting variation of a word search puzzle.Word中链接是一个非常有趣的变化,一个词的搜索难题。

9.A powerful word-search utipty created specifically for onpne Scrabble players and crossword lovers.一个强大的词搜索公用事业创造了专为在线拼字游戏和填字谜爱好者。

10.The performance of the fast code word search algorithm in VQ determines its encoding time.快速码字搜索算法是矢量量化的核心问题之一,其性能决定了编码时间。