




1.技术革命 革命话语: revolutionary discourse 技术革命Technology revolution 二次革命: the Second Revolution ...

2.科技革命 ... 4.science and technology 科技 5.technology revolution 科技革命 6.universal language 普遍语言 ...


1.Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB) have such a lot of advantages that it is called a technology revolution in the bearings.磁悬浮轴承由于具有一系列独特的性能,被称为是支承技术的一场革命。

2.She was just waking during the Information Technology Revolution.在信息技术革命如火如荼时,中国才刚醒过来。

3.The globapzation of manufacturing continued, and was accelerated by the information technology revolution of the 1990s.制造业的全球化不断发展,九十年代的信息技术革命更是加快了这一势头。

4.The current society is not a technology revolution, also is not software , speed revolution, but it is an idea revolution.“当前社会不是一场技术,也不是软件、速度的革命,而是一场观念上的革命”。

5.abstract: The birth of the network is a great technology revolution and the great innovation of human civipzation.网络的诞生,是科技的一场大革命,是人类生产文明的伟大创新。

6.What you see today is a technology revolution driven ever forward by market demand.今天看到的是由市场需求不断向前推动的一场技术革命。

7.The technology revolution, epitomized by the Internet, will empower both people yearning for democracy and repressive tyrants.以因特网为象征的技术革命将同时赋予人们对民主与专政的向往。

8.it reflects that some changes on the economic rules , form and institution are occurring induced by the information technology revolution.这一现象折射出在信息技术革命的背景下,经济中的某些规则、形态、制度正在逐渐发生改变。

9.The last century, along with the information technology revolution, the world entered the era of knowledge-based economy.上个世纪末,伴随着信息技术革命,全球进入了知识经济的时代。

10.He was enthralled by the technology revolution in the United States at the time, Isbecer said.伊斯贝瑟说,当时的美国技术革命令他着迷。