




1.异氟烷 氟乙酰胺 FLUOROACETAMIDE 异荧烷 ISOFLURANE 1,1,1,3,3,3-六氟-2-(氟甲氧基)丙烷 SEVOFLURANE ...

5.异氟烷溶液 ... 恩氟烷溶液(进口) Enflurane 异氟烷溶液(进口) Isoflurane 七氟烷溶液(进口) Sevofluran…


1.and oxygen flow has no effects on rate of isoflurane uptake.而对机体摄取异氟醚的速率无影响。

2.Isoflurane Reduction of Carbachol-evoked Cytoplasmic Calcium Transients Is Dependent on Caffeine-sensitive Calcium Stores Corrales A, et al.异氟醚降低氯化胆碱诱导的胞浆钙电流依赖于咖啡因敏感的钙库。

3.Isoflurane was inhaled in group S and group SI, and the inhalation concentration was also adjusted to the desired sedation level.S组和SI组吸入异氟醚,吸入浓度同样根据设定的镇静标准进行调节;

4.Nielsen and colleagues chose to look at three of the most common gasses used as general anesthetics: isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane.尼尔森和同事们选择三种最常用于麻醉的气体研究,异氟烷地氟烷七氟烷。

5.Isoflurane Produces Delayed Preconditioning against Spinal Cord Ischemic Injury via Release of Free Radicals in Rabbits .异氟醚通过释放自由基对于兔脊髓缺血产生延迟预处理作用。

6.Laboratory Investigations Isoflurane Provides Long-term Protection against Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Rat.异氟醚对于大鼠局灶性脑缺血有长期的保护作用。

7.Effects of Isoflurane Versus Fentanyl - Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia on Long- term Outcome from Severe Forebrain Ischemia in the Rat .不同持续时间亚低温对缺血新生鼠脑的保护作用。

8.Selection Of Anaesthetic Drugs: Halothane, Isoflurane Or Sevoflurane?吸入麻醉药的选择:氟烷、异氟烷、七氟烷

9.Conclusions: The remifentanil and isoflurane can enhance the hypnotic and analgesic effects.结论:瑞芬太尼能增强异氟烷的催眠和镇痛作用。

10.Objective To investigate the effect of different fresh gas flow(FGF) rates on isoflurane pharmacokinetics during anesthesia induction.目的探讨不同新鲜气体流量(FGF)对诱导期异氟醚药物代谢动力学的影响。