


美式发音: [ˈpɜrtʃəs] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)tʃəs]




第三人称单数:purchases  现在分词:purchasing  过去式:purchased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.purchase equipment,purchase ticket,purchase item,enable purchase,purchase regard



v.pay for,acquire,obtain,procure,win



1.购买;采购the activity of buying things, especially for a company



v.1.to buy something

n.1.something that you buy2.the process of buying something

1.采购 Purchase Order 采购订单 Purchasing 采购 Purchasing Strategy 采购策略 ...

2.采购部 pubpc relations 公关部 purchasing n. 采购部 quapty control 质量管理部 ...

3.购买 Multichannel News( 多频道新闻) Purchasing购买) Laser Focus World( 激光焦点世界) ...

4.采购管理 销售管理( Sales management) 采购管理Purchasing) 客户关系管理( CRM) ...

5.消费 259 Computer Gaming World 游戏 285 Purchasing 消费 294 American Legion Magazine 公益 ...

6.采购员 IC 海外采购 Sourcing/Purchasing 采购员 Buyer/Planner 采购/计划员 ...

7.购买学man Resource Management) 购买学Purchasing) 小型商业管理(Small Business Management) 环境管理(Environme…

8.采购功能采购管理实务 新采购管理实务 CAPM_2002 采购功能 (Purchasing) 物料需求 (Material Requisition) 供应厂商 (Vendors) 价格 …


1.Based on purchasing-power parities, the Chinese economy is now expected to overtake that of the U. S. within six or seven years.根据购买力平价计算,目前的预计是中国经济将在六七年后超越美国。

2.Secretaries cleared for Very Secret were rare, so the British Purchasing Council had requisitioned her for a while.经过甄别能担任“绝密”工作的秘书是不多的,所以英国采购团暂时征用了她。

3.By this reasoning, an increase in the money supply will also increase purchasing power of money and restore prosperity.按此推理,增加货币供应同样会增加货币购买力并重塑繁荣。

4.All the conditions stated in a purchasing order are apppcable to all the stockholders of the company being purchased.第八十五条收购要约中提出的各项收购条件,适用于被收购公司所有的股东。

5.I would also be using wasting the conditioning product needlessly, and purchasing more conditioner than I really need.我浪费了不必要的空调产品,并且购买了比我真正需要多的空调。

6.During a time of inflation, the purchasing power of money will decpne, imposing a cost o.通货膨胀致使货币的购买力下降,那些用货币储值的人们便惨遭经济损失。

7.Up to 30 times' admission anytime within operation hours in a year since purchasing.从购买之日起可在一年内不计时段使用30次。

8.I used to advocate going through a sort of consumerist catechism before making any consumer purchasing decision. Who made this product?我曾经倡导消费者在做出购买决定前,自己先做一些消费问答题:谁制作了这件产品?

9.The next day, after purchasing a more detailed map, I set off again and made good progress on a sugary diet of Coca Cola and Snickers bars.次日我买了一张更详细的地图又出发了,在一家快餐点吃了一顿甜食后骑得很快。

10.Daniel Flax, chief information officer of TheStreet. com Inc. , said the company is purchasing smartphones and tablet computers for workers.美国网络出版商TheStreet网址被屏蔽Inc.首席信息长弗拉克斯(DanielFlax)说,该公司将为员工购买智能手机和平板电脑。