





7.命运女神叫提喀转动而不断变化,因而常常是变幻莫测的.在希腊神话中命运女神叫提喀(Tyche),英语中则常用Fortune表示.Fortune和Fortuna一 …


1.Lissauer and his colleagues have long suspected a planet-size object, sometimes called Tyche, could be hiding in the Oort Cloud.李索尔和他的同事很久前就怀疑有一个行星大小的天体(有时被称作Tyche(古希腊命运女神))隐藏在奥尔特云中。

2.A: Tyche would be too cold and faint for a visible pght telescope to identify.答:命运女神温度太低,也太过暗淡,可见光望远镜无法辨认出它来。

3.Tyche is the nickname given to a hypothesized gas giant planet located in the Solar System's Oort cloud.幸神星是太阳系奥尔特云内的一颗假设的气态巨行星的昵称。

4.The idea of Tyche is an important part of Thucydides historical thoughts.“命运”说是修昔底德历史思想中的重要内容。

5.Q: Why is the hypothesized object dubbed "Tyche, " and why choose a Greek name when the names of other planets derive from Roman mythology?问:为什么假设中的天体名为“命运女神”,为什么要选择一个希腊名称,而其他行星的名称是来自罗马神话的?

6.Because they envision a more benign orbit, they prefer the name "Tyche" (the good sister).因为在他们的设想中“复仇者”有一个更为良性的轨道,他们宁愿选择“好姐妹”(Tyche)这个新名字。

7.In Greek mythology, Tyche was usually invoked along with Nemesis, the goddess of bad luck.在希腊神话中,命运女神堤喀经常与掌管厄运的复仇女神联系在一起。

8.Thucydides' views on Tyche in fact the advance of ancient Greek thought.修氏的“命运”说,体现了古希腊思想的进步。

9.The evidence isn't even strong enough to have triggered an active search for Tyche;证据还不足以强到让人展开搜索行动。