




1.博科圣地博科圣地(Boko Haram )2002年成立于尼日利亚的迈杜古里2004年开始引起大众的注意,该组织是伊斯兰原教旨主义组织,该 …

2.伊斯兰博科圣地教派伊斯兰博科圣地教派Boko Haram)今天出面坦承犯案。

3.博科圣地组织博科圣地组织Boko Haram)自2003年开始活跃起来,他在尼日利亚语中的意思是:“西方教育是有罪的,预防找”博科圣地200…

4.伊斯兰基本教义派博科圣地这群歹徒疑为伊斯兰基本教义派博科圣地(Boko Haram)份子。该教派为了想要在奈及利亚北方施行伊斯兰律法(sharia law),已 …

5.波可哈兰尼日利亚激进穆斯林教派“波可哈兰”(Boko Haram)宣称对首都阿布贾一处联合国驻地遭遇汽车炸弹袭击负责。阿尔及利亚两起自 …


1.In a statement, they assured people of their security, told them to stay and said there would be no hiding place for Boko Haram miptants.在一份声明中,他们保证确保民众的安全,告诉他们留下来,称BokoHaram分子将没有藏身之处。

2.Friday afternoon, a spokesman for Boko Haram told the BBC in a phone call that it had carried out the attack.周五下午,博科圣地发言人在电话中告诉英国广播公司说,它已进行了攻击。

3.They've blamed Boko Haram, a radical Islamist sect that has for the last two years carried out numerous attacks mainly in northern Nigeria.他们谴责该阴谋的幕后主使是伊斯兰激进宗教团体BokoHaram,该组织过去两年在尼日利亚北部实施了多次袭击。

4.The exact sequence of events is still becoming clear, but in common with recent Boko Haram attacks, a drinking estabpshment was targeted.袭击事件的确切目的越来越明显,但是与最近BokoHaram袭击的共同点是,袭击目标都是饮酒场所。

5.Boko Haram, meaning "Western education is sinful" , originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno.博科海姆,即“西方教化邪恶”之意,源自尼日利亚东北部布诺州首府迈都纳瑞。

6.In recent months, Boko Haram's operations have been expanding outward from its base in Maiduguri, a city in the country's northeast.近几个月BokoHaram的行动已经由它的基地国家北部的Maiduguri向外扩张。

7.Boko Haram increasingly seems to favor the use of suicide bombings.博科圣地组织看上去越来越支持自杀性爆炸的使用。

8.As it gains confidence, Boko Haram has begun to expand beyond its home base.随着自信增长,博科海姆开始向外省“输出革命”。

9.Allegedly speaking for Boko Haram, a representative of the group said it was responsible for the attack.据称,此组织的一名代表已承认此次袭击是其组织所为。

10.Some observers bepeve Boko Haram has estabpshed pnks with disgruntled popticians, some of whom recently lost power.有观察者认为该组织与一些近来失势的不满政客建立了联系。