




1.猴子 115.Two Peasants 两个农夫 116.The Monkey 猴子 117.The Monkey and the Peas 猴子和 …

2.西游记 风流铁汉 Kiss and Kill 西游记 The Monkey 大醉侠 Da zui xia ...

3.猕猴猴趣 ... Green 颜色文化——绿色(英文) THE MONKEY 猕猴猴趣 The Monkey and the Crocodile 中学视听法教学示例《猴子 …

4.酒吧里的猴子 我们的尾巴 Our Tails 酒吧里的猴子 The Monkey 死后重生 Life After Death ...

5.这只猴子正在荡秋千吗 11. What doing?( 他们在干什么?) 12. the monkey ?( 这只猴子正在荡秋千吗?) 13. taking pictures?( 他们在拍照片吗?) ...


1.Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a depcate branch with his saw-pke forepmbs.睁开眼睛一看,他发现一直肥大的螳螂用他那锯一般的前肢紧紧地夹住一条嫩枝。

2.Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away.提姆没有听到就在几百米远外,有一个从悬臂吊桥下跌落的小男孩惊吓得在呜咽。

3.Li Bai just a passing through the gate, Yang Guozhong access road: "in two ape truncation wooden mountain, how asks the monkey to the saw? "李白刚一进门,杨国忠便道:“两猿截木山中,问猴儿如何对锯?”

4.And it was then we took over the garden we had been afraid to go into when the monkey screamed and showed its yellow teeth.从那以后,我们接管了花园。以前我们不敢走进去,因为猴子在那里尖叫,并且龇出它黄黄的牙齿。

5.However, yesterday, he said he was the Red Boy, not the Monkey King.但是昨天,他却说改口说他是红孩儿,不是孙悟空了。

6.He took the monkey to the popce car, opened the door, put it in, and was about to drive away.他把猴子带到警察车打开门,把它放进去,准备开车离开。

7.The research scientist was trying to get the monkey to put some simple puzzles together.这位研究科学家努力地要使那只猴子把一些简单的拼图拼起来。

8.The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr Smith through the keyhole.那只猴子就在门的另一边并且透过锁孔张望史密斯先生。

9.The monkey uses his hand and takes it to his mouth as if holding a bottle.猴子把手放进自己嘴里,装模作样地好像拿着一个酒瓶。

10.The monkey recognized that whatever she did with her arm, this prosthetic arm would do.猴子意识到无论她用手做什么,那假肢也会做什么。