

cramp:[英 [kræmp] 美 [kræmp] ]


过去式:cramped;   过去分词:cramped;   现在分词:cramping;   复数形式:cramps;

cramp 基本解释

名词痛性痉挛,抽筋; (腹部)绞痛; 夹子,扣钉; (制靴)弓状木

及物动词使痉挛,使抽筋; 使扫兴; 用夹子夹紧; 限制,束缚

形容词难懂的,难认的; 受拘束的,狭窄的

cramp 相关例句


1. Her education was cramped by her lack of money.



1. cramp的翻译

1. The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.


cramp 网络解释

1. cramp的解释

1. 痉挛:(三)痛性痉挛(cramp)在强直性肌肉收缩的同时伴有疼痛. 周围神经和肌肉病变均可引起. 常在白天剧烈活动后的晚上,一般以下肢腓肠肌多见. (一)静止性震颤(statictremor)在肌肉完全松弛的情况下,即安静状态下出现的震颤叫静止性震颤.

2. cramp的反义词

2. 抽筋:(1)、热身(暖身)不足、赛前赛后软组织伸展不足:肌肉僵硬时,不但肌力减退而且容易发生肌肉抽筋(cramp)或拉伤的现象. 例如前述的王先生与张小姐. 而且为了预防「运动后的酸痛」,赛后「软组织的伸展」更是不可忽略. 当发生运动伤害时,

3. cramp的解释

3. 痛性痉挛:(三)痛性痉挛(cramp) 在强直性肌肉收缩的同时伴有疼痛. 周围神经和肌肉病变均可引起. 常在白天剧烈活动后的晚上,一般以下肢腓肠肌多见.

4. 夹:505 、 夹;夹钳 clamp | 506 、 夹 cramp | 507 、 夹卡 mounting board

cramp 双语例句

1. The cramp in his chest was shutting him up like a jack-knife.


2. It is humiliating before others to have a diarrhea from ptomaine poisoning or to vomit from it. But a cramp, he thought of it as a calambre, humiliates oneself especially when one is alone.


3. I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stom ach.



4. I ` m a calligraphy jitter and I get a cramp in my stomach once I see the painting brush.


5. cramp什么意思

5. I'm an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach.


6. The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.



7. The swimmer is seize with a cramp and have to is help out of the water.


8. Cramp 抽筋, 痉挛: The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.


9. 2 Erect the drilling cramp front, be going to pay attention to high altitude obstruction and high-tension line, if the drilling cramp top responds to when having a high-tension line than keeping certain distance (1~10 KV time 5 ms, time 35~110 KV 10 ms, time 154~330 KV 15 ms).

5.2.2 立钻架前,要注意高空障碍物和高压线,如有高压线时钻架顶端应与其保持一定距离(1~10KV 时 5m,35~110KV 时 10m,154~330KV 时 15m)。

10. After the contest, we interviewed Zhao Jia Di who smiled bitterly: I had a cramp on my foot. After I had finished half of it, I felt a pain on my foot. Originally I wanted to give up but I did not want to affect others.


11. First of all, do not eat vegetables Tongxinluo will cause the cramp.


12. I`ll get a cramp in my neck from trying to see around him.


13. I am an exam j itter and I always get a cramp in my stomach.


14. It should not cramp on me again unless it gets too cold in the night.


15. And in seven months, the government has moved to cramp down on police corruption.


16. For a calf cramp – put weight on the affected leg and bend the knee slightly.



17. If it's a stomach cramp, lie on your back, spread your arms and legs, and float until you can swim back to shore.


18. ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think after seeing, you know, he was struggling all of a sudden with the cramp on his calf muscle, I knew I was in very good shape, but I had to stay focused.


19. Please believe in yourself and make confidence as a drive to swing your acute gear, you will fulfill your dream. Even though you trip over, you will cramp up and carry on ahead, persistently, through the bright future.


20. cramp是什么意思

20. Calcic phosphor is the bases of form ossification road and tooth, both lacks fetal skeleton with respect to development undesirable, bring about gibbosity, the mother's body still can give view cramp, osteoporosis.


cramp 词典解释

1. 痛性痉挛;抽筋

Cramp is a sudden strong pain caused by a muscle suddenly contracting. You sometimes get cramp in a muscle after you have been making a physical effort over a long period of time.

e.g. Hillsden was complaining of cramp in his calf muscles...


e.g. ...muscle cramp...


2. 束缚…的手脚;使不能放开手脚

If someone or something cramps your style, their presence or existence restricts your behaviour in some way.


e.g. Like more and more women, she believes marriage would cramp her style.


cramp 单语例句cramp的反义词

1. Having a pile of cash and counting it until the hands cramp would be considered a welcome chore for most.

2. There are also indications that on a full stomach the diaphragm can cramp up and cause side stitch.

3. It was just a normal cramp that could have happened anywhere, but it's just bad luck that it happened in the press room.

4. White House advisers were candid that next fall's congressional elections will cramp Bush's legislative efforts.

5. The Malaysian later suffered severe cramp and left the arena to rest at his hotel.

6. Keep a towel's width distance from the next encampment and don't cramp your nearest neighbor.

7. The man surnamed Shao suffered a leg cramp and was washed away by the river.

8. Gay tumbled to the track about 40m into the race with what his agent diagnosed as a severe cramp in his left hamstring.

9. Cramp in your ass, you can't sit on it anymore.

cramp的解释cramp 英英释义


1. a strip of metal with ends bent at right angles

used to hold masonry together

Synonym: cramp iron

2. a clamp for holding pieces of wood together while they are glued

3. a painful and involuntary muscular contraction

Synonym: spasmmuscle spasm


1. suffer from sudden painful contraction of a muscle

2. affect with or as if with a cramp

3. prevent the progress or free movement of

e.g. He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather

the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries

Synonym: hamperhalterstrangle

4. secure with a cramp

e.g. cramp the wood