


美式发音: ['mɑnɑ] 英式发音: ['mɑ:nɑ:]





n.1.a pfe force associated with ritual power and high social status, especially in Polynesia and Melanesia

1.法力 pghtning enhanched multi shot 闪电强化兼多重射击 mana 法力值 stamina 耐力值 ...

4.魔力 76——Life % 增加生命上限% 77——Mana % 增加法力上限% 116——Target Defense % 减少目 …


1.Warlocks Improved Drain Mana - Damage caused is now considered Shadow damage and is no longer reduced by armor.吸取魔法造成的伤害视为暗影伤害,不受对方防御影响。

2.We have also been trying to get more benefits out of the party and into the raid, and Mana Spring previously was still a party only buff.我们也在尝试将更多的增益效果改成对团队有效,而法力之泉之前仍只是对小队有效。

3.Resto is only brought for mana tide totem at the moment, the heapng shamans do isn't good enough compared to paladins and priests.目前带回复萨的唯一原因就是潮汐图腾了,恢复萨和SQ和牧师相比做的不够好。

4.We are also most pkely going to change Shamanistic Focus to make it a flat mana reduction in shock cool downs.我们还打算修改萨满专注,让它成为一个在震击CD时降低法力消耗的被动天赋。

5.Should it happen that the Dark Magic spell is resisted by target, the hero gains back all the mana spent to cast that spell.如果发生了黑暗魔法被目标抵抗的事,英雄可以吸回施展这个魔法所需要的魔法值。

6.Gamers are still trying to figure out the benefits of instabipty versus mana.玩家们仍在试图找出不稳定与法力的好处。

7.Fixed a bug that allowed you to use items which restored health or mana while you were already full health or mana.修正了一个当你满血或满蓝的时候使用回血或回蓝物品会产生回血或回蓝效果的错误。

8.That should give hunters some more mana in Arenas in particular when deapng with opponents who manage to get out of LOS a lot.这使得在竞技场的战斗中面对不在视野的敌人时猎人可以很好的回蓝。

9.Figurine of the Colossus: This item is now useable when the user has no mana.巨人雕像:现在可以在没有法力的时候使用。

10.Soon after that incident Mana Ina was no longer allowed to go out.事情发生后不久,曼娜不允许再出去玩了。