

escapism:[英 [ɪˈskeɪpɪzəm] 美 [ɪˈskeˌpɪzəm] ]


escapism 基本解释



escapism 网络解释

1. 逃避主义:代罪羔羊论的内在破绽足以证明它是一种逃避主义(escapism)的说法是应该被抛弃的. 但是恐怖(terror)作为政府的主要武器的趋向上升,又使它比以往更能令人置信. 因此,代罪羔羊的说法仍是主要的企图之一,旨在回避反犹主义的严重性,

2. escapism是什么意思

2. 逃避现实;解脱方法:eroticism 色情描写 | escapism 逃避现实;解脱方法 | ethnocentrism民族中心主义


3. 逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名):escapeway 逃路; 太平梯 (名) | escapism 逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名) | escapist 逃避现实者 (名)

escapism 双语例句

1. At ease to a certain extent, this has reflected his long-haired escapism and faced real limpness.


2. The so-called is a very lively rhythm, the rhythm of images in sports, modern society has entered the digital era, the rhythm is the high-speed movement, the painter can not be thinking of escapism, to the thoughts and feelings of today's assimilation into a painting by painting Wu statement to express their Feelings - so that the freehand brushwork write this era of Italy, wrote a sense of real life; has said; color for the freehand brushwork and gorgeou**anlan today is the need for sensory stimulation and colorful world, has entered the international painting, in carrying forward the tradition On the basis of catch up with the trend of the times.


3. He says, A great book provides escapism for me.


4. You are ahopeless escapist at times and there is no way escapism will work this time.


5. You are a hopeless escapist at times and there is no way escapism will work this time.


6. Reading fantasy books is a form of escapism and nothing more. do you agree?


7. Images of escapism and solitude; there is no horizon line and no sign of land.


8. Current high school students have many mental health problems, the main ones are: rabidity of thinking, escapism, unable to face himself, lack of psychological tolerance, unable to face setbacks and so on, their reasons are social influence, family and personal factors, and some schools, writing teaching factors.


9. escapism的解释

9. On the other hand, it can be a place of escapism, aggression and addiction.


10. Which isn't to say he traffics entirely in escapism.


11. Which isn`t to say he traffics entirely in escapism.


12. escapism在线翻译

12. She regarded suicide as the ultimate act of escapism.


13. escapism的近义词

13. On the basis of this, a conclusion is drawn on the dependence, conservation and escapism of the Orthodox Church in Byzantine.


14. escapism的翻译

14. Japan is rich enough, bored enough with national ambition, strait-jacketed enough and gloomy enough to find immense attraction in playful escapism and quirky obsession.


15. However, this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the problems of the world.


16. I always kept my escapism in the past, but when watching time go by second by second on my watch, I realized for the first time in my life that, putting affairs away, escaping from reality would bring more cruel trouble to me.


17. As the popularization of network and picking up speed of entering the information area, when all the undergraduates osculates with network, it is harmful for their mental health to have Internet Addiction Disorder. Once they have IAD, they would abandon themselves to the network and escapism.


18. In addition, indulge the psychological appearance that fictitious world still can cause escapism, play truant, because happy net adjusts on this, the mood wants measurable.


19. For those of us old enough to have been brought up in a largely literary age, where child escapism existed mainly on the page, Potter might be seen as a return to Narnia and Dolittle and Streatfield.


20. Tak Chais mother has not been able to accept her husbands sister, full of empathy, all day alcohol escapism, give up on themselves.


escapism 词典解释

1. 消遣;帮人逃避现实的事物

If you describe an activity or type of entertainment as escapism, you mean that it makes people think about pleasant things instead of the uninteresting or unpleasant aspects of their life.

e.g. Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism from an ever-bleaker world.


escapism 单语例句escapism的近义词

1. But what Jolie is called upon to do grows increasingly difficult to accept, even for summer escapism.

2. The typical outcome is that escapism often ends up looking like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

3. But escapism during the Depression and World War II mostly came in the form of breezy comedies or glossy musical romances.

4. I firmly believe it is the right path for the rest of my life Conversion does not indicate passivity or escapism.

escapism 英英释义


1. an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy

e.g. romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life

his alcohol problem was a form of escapism

Synonym: escape