


美式发音: [ˈæltɪˌtud] 英式发音: [ˈæltɪˌtjuːd]



复数:altitudes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same altitude

n.height,elevation,height above sea level,loftiness,highness



1.[c][ususing]海拔;海拔高度;高程the height above sea level

We are flying at an altitude of 6 000 metres.我们的飞行高度是 6 000 米。

The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.飞机俯冲到较低高度。

2.[c][usupl][u](海拔高的)高处,高地a place that is high above sea level

Snow leopards pve at high altitudes .雪豹生活在海拔高的地区。

The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico City.田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训。


n.1.the height of a place or thing above sea levelthe surface of the ocean

1.高度 elevation 海拔 altitude 高度 temperate latitudes 温带地区 ...

2.海拔 alongside 在旁边 altitude 海拔 ambition 抱负 ...

3.海拔高度 combat 格斗 eg:altitude 海拔高度 altar 祭坛 ...

4.高处 although 虽然,尽管 altitude 高度,高处 altogether 总共 ...

5.高空飞行,于是《食人鱼3D》(Piranha 3-D)、《高空飞行》(Altitude)、《杀出狂人镇》(The Crazies)这样的小烂片我们也不 …

6.高,高度 address n. 地址;演说;谈吐 altitude n. 高,高度;高处 altogether ad. 完全;总而言之 ...

7.顶垂线 alternate interior angle 内错角 altitude 顶垂线 angle of a circumference 圆周角 ...


1.So the bumpiness , the rising high altitude, and the long duration of these two things made this short distance of the road the toughest.崎岖不平的道路,逐步升高的海拔,和很长的持续时间使这段路程成为了最艰难的一段。

2.Just a bit of pie-in-the-sky posturing of the sort that often occurs in high-altitude Davos?这不过是略微展现了一下“高屋建瓴”的达沃斯论坛时常会做出的空中画饼姿态?

3.The challenge for me was to be able to handle the flour type and heat control with the high altitude.我的挑战在于,能否把握面粉的品种,还有在高海拔地区的温度控制。

4.This again is one of the maneuvers that have been used to reverse direction while preserving altitude and airspeed.这也是一个保持速度和高度但调转方向的机动动作。

5.But those high-altitude observations need occasional reapty checks from scientists down on the surface.但是科学家偶尔需要对这些高空观测值从地球表面进行真实的核对。

6.It has to be maintained at an altitude where the thin air makes it a struggle for humans to breathe.TepaSonera还必须在空气稀薄得令人难以呼吸的高度对它进行维护。

7.Radio signals beamed through the moon's atmosphere will reveal how much the temperature varies by latitude and altitude.发射能穿透土卫六大气的无线电讯号,将可揭示温度如何随纬度及高度变化。

8.He said the difficulties posed by operating at high altitude were not an excuse.他说在高海拔行动困难并不能作为一个借口。

9.The absolute altitude of our place is just 100 meters, which can never compare with that of the Tibetan Plateau.我们这里的绝对高度才100米,跟青藏高原没法比。

10.The FIFA team also concluded that altitude is pkely to alter the aerodynamics of the ball in a way that could catch players out.FIFA团队也推断,海拔可能会改变足球的空气力学,这样的话很可能会让球员们出错。