

migration:[英 [maɪˈgreɪʃn] 美 [maɪˈɡreʃən] ]



migration 基本解释


migration 相关例句


1. migration

1. There has been a migration of people from the country to the towns.



2. Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.


migration 网络解释

1. 移行:因此,研究者推测,NMDA异常将导致神经元移行(migration)、突触连接减少、神经元变性和凋亡. 越来越多的证据提示,非典型抗精神病药物治疗精神分裂症的基础与其逆转NMDA功能低下有关. 精神分裂症尸脑证明,前额叶和丘脑的NMDA受体密度和数量明显低于正常人.


2. 迁徙:最新诗集(Migration)的获奖应该是众望所归,毕竟几十年来国家图书奖对他已经亏欠良多. 珍妮.伯兹奥尔的处女作(ThePender-wicks)毫无争议地捧得青年文学奖. 该作品讲述了一个单身父亲和4个女儿之间的故事.

migration 双语例句

1. Therefore, it must be that the pots were spread by migration, not trade.


2. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux.


3. The mechanisms for the directional migration and formation of rare earth oxysulfide were discussed.


4. Numerical simulation of contaminant migration process for landfill consideringeffects of sorption and degradation.


5. This paper expounded the interdependent relationship between embankment and highland in the process of the development of Yun-Gui plateau, the formation and its function of the primary compounding economy, the migration and distribution of the local nation and the foreign immigrants, the thought and strategy of administering Yun-Gui plateau in Chinese dynasty, the regional politics'evolvement to reveal the deep relation between the social history elements and economic development of Yun-Gui plateau


6. Only monarchs born in late summer or early fall make the migration, and they make only one round trip.


7. Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances.


8. The dramatic difference in annealing behavior at room and elevated temperatures indicates the migration behavior of radiation-induced species at elevated and room temperatures.


9. This paper analyzes the controlling factors:(1) The fault occurrence in different eras have different effects on the oil and gas accumulation; (2) Unconformity surfaces are usually major hydrocarbon migration channels and the belts of hydrocarbon accumulation; (3) The Triassic fan delta faceis and the alluvial fan facies are favorable reservoir blocks in this region; and (4) The Triassic oil reservoirs in the Wuerhe|Xiazijie area possess multiple reservoir|seal assemblages, and the Karamay Formation and the Baijiantan Formation are major regional cap rocks.


10. Japan to time Tainan prefectural city Nanmenwai area, because under Japanese government's government order, starts large-scale changing burial sites, because changes burial sites namely the Taina metropolis plan which implements for the Japanese government, divides into three times, the seed time, the development time, launches the time, gradual expands Taina's metropolis scope, therefore in obtains the land in the process, an item of suburb generation of development, the Tainan prefectural city Nanmenwai's grave area becomes the date to the time Taina southing development center of gravity, after undergoing the grave migration the land, passes through plans, traveling schedule education, movement facility special-purpose, Japan to the time Tainan prefectural city Nanmenwai's grave picture, is penetratingUnder Japanese government's political power's changing burial sites, after as well as changes burial sites the construction, transforms the school and the athletic field, vital region.


11. In the end, the effect mechanism of rainwater acidity, rainfall intensity, soil gradient and land using on pollutant generation, migration and transformation of pollution flow from soil-water interfaces were discussed.


12. The results show that unconformity surface pathway system becomes mainly way of oil and gas migration.


13. A multi-agent/mobile-agent platform, which stems from computational infrastructure agent grid has been designed and prototyped. As a node of grid, on each platform simulations of evolutionary processes of multi-nodes synchronous processing associated with individual inter-generation communication and individual migration between elementary populations can perform coadaptation based cooperative coevolution of the multi-population as a whole system, such as the case of the three species ecological system.


14. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


15. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


16. migration什么意思

16. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


17. Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


18. Objective: To explore the inhibitive effect and mechanism of Matrine on adhesion and migration of HeLa cells.


19. Our results demonstrate that chemokines present in the uterus can support pbNK cell migration through human endothelial and stromal decidual cells.


20. migration

20. In 1987, melamine was demonstrated to be present in coffee, orange juice, fermented milk and lemon juice, originating from migration of melamine from the cup made of melamine-formaldehyde resin.


migration 单语例句migration的解释

1. CANBERRA - Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has rejected calls to cut overseas migration as new figures revealed Australia's population passed 22 million.

2. Relations were restored in 1991 following the collapse of communism, a period that also saw mass migration of Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel.

3. The emerging new migration pattern will reshape the traditionally compact ethnic communities and lead to profound changes in the ethnic relations in China.

4. In addition to access to education and urban conveniences including television, one tangible advantage to the migration is companionship.

5. The peak travel season is the largest annual migration in the world and the public routinely complain about problems of buying train tickets.

6. Conservationist Poole says the real problem is the " migration " of birds in trade.

7. US newspapers have been grappling with a steep drop in print advertising revenue, steadily declining circulation and the migration of readers to free news online.

8. Hong Kong has always been a city of migrants, and the current return migration is not new.

9. Thailand has found that training staff with a locally focused curriculum encourages retention in rural areas and a drop in migration.

10. They accounted for around a fifth of total net migration in the year to March, according to provisional data from the International Passenger Survey.

migrationmigration 英英释义



1. the movement of persons from one country or locality to another

2. the periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding

3. (chemistry) the nonrandom movement of an atom or radical from one place to another within a molecule

4. a group of people migrating together (especially in some given time period)