




1.公寓春光 Fanny 春宵花月夜 1961 The Apartment 公寓春光 提名 The Sundowners 夕阳西下 ...

2.桃色公寓996年,莫妮卡·贝鲁奇拍摄了她的第一部法语影片《非常公寓》(“The Apartment”),她在这部浪漫剧中的出色表演为她赢 …

4.我爱莎莎 《壮士血》 The Kings Sword 《我爱莎莎The Apartment 《钞票与我》 Mone…

5.罗伯特的公寓 10.No Fat 减肥事业 11.The Apartment 罗伯特的公寓 12.The Toaster 烤面包机 …

6.情慾公寓ula),开启她在好莱坞的顺遂星途;并於法国电影《情慾公寓》(The Apartment),以惊悚又浪漫的出色表演赢得了法国凯 …

7.寓乐园 The Unreachable Love 最遥远的爱 The Apartment 寓乐园 Flowers Days 花间的日子 ...


1."You're a good daughter, " they all told me -- people at the hospital, friends, the clerk at the front desk of the apartment building.“你是个好女儿,”他们对我说——医院里的人、朋友、公寓楼的前台职员。

2.I wanted to let him down gently since I'd be seeing him around the apartment building, but I didn't want to spend another minute with him.我想不让他十分失望,因为我会在公寓楼见到他,但是我不想再和他呆一分钟。

3.The shutters of the apartment had been closed for more than a week and the mailbox was filled with uncollected mail.该公寓窗子已经有一周多未曾敞开,邮箱里也充满了待收信件。

4.When Deborah returned home later that afternoon, she found Cpve's bed empty and no sign of him in the apartment.后来当黛博拉下午回到家的时候,她发现克莱夫的床上空空如也,公寓里也不见踪影。

5.As soon as he stepped into the apartment building, he saw Mary standing in front of the elevator with a smile on her face.他一步入公寓大楼,就看见玛丽面带笑容,站在电梯的前面。

6.I really pke the apartment, but I was wondering if I could change some things.我很喜欢这个公寓,但是我在想我是否改变点某些东西。

7.I can find the suitable apartment for you and I don't need deposit. The apartment will be near to your university.我可以找到符合你条件的公寓,不要押金,离你的大学还近。

8.Today, my girlfriend and I got into a huge fight. She kicked me out of the apartment and told me to never come back.今天,我和女友大吵了一架,她把我赶出门外,让我永远也别回来了。

9.The bank provides him with a car and driver as well as the apartment.银行不仅给他提供了住所,而且还给他配备了汽车和司机。

10.Chen was allegedly violently mistreated by his flatmates and was later driven out of the apartment by them.据说他的室友粗暴地虐待他,之后把他赶出了公寓。