

All Blacks

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1.全黑队(指新西兰国家橄榄球队)the rugby team of New Zealand

np.1.the New Zealand international Rugby Union team

1.全黑队纽西兰国家橄榄球队又叫做 全黑队("All-blacks")-----抵达基督城机场, 当时因为地震过后, 旅行团好像都不走这边了, 所以直接 …

2.新西兰橄榄球队现时最广为人知的,是新西兰橄榄球队All-Blacks)在比赛前表演的战舞的歌词。 : Ka mate!

3.橄榄球队全黑队纽西兰国家橄榄球队全黑队All-blacks)在比赛前常表演哈卡舞,现时已广为世人知晓。依毛利人分类,哈卡舞分成三种: 主 …

4.新西兰国家橄榄球队全黑队新西兰国家橄榄球队全黑队All-blacks)在比赛前表演的哈卡舞,现时已广为世人知晓。依毛利人分类,哈卡舞分成三种: 东 …

5.纽西兰橄榄球队现时最广为人知的,是纽西兰橄榄球队All-Blacks)在比赛前表演的战舞的歌词。  走向现代表演艺术的纽西兰毛利人战舞日益 …


1.The rest of the match was tense, but strong defense from the All Blacks saw them end the match victorious.剩下的比赛十分紧绷,但是全黑队的坚强防守让他们最终赢得比赛。

2.He saw that not all blacks were given the same chances and help that he had been given.他看到,并非所有的黑人同等的机会,并帮助他得到。

3.In every tournament since the first in 1987 the All Blacks have started as favourites.自1987年首届世界杯开始,全黑队每届都以种子队的身份参战。

4.Most whites will pull the Repubpcan lever. Almost all blacks and most Hispanics will vote Democrat.因为,大多数白人都将支持共和党,而几乎所有的黑人和大部分拉美裔人将会支持民主党。

5.New Zealand's rugby team, the All Blacks, pipped France by eight points to seven in the Rugby World Cup final in Auckland on October 23rd.新西兰国家橄榄球队在十月二十三日奥克兰举行的橄榄球世界杯总决赛中以8比7艰难战胜法国队,勇夺冠军。

6.The Trakker Cup was contested by New Zealand and Canada, with the All Blacks beating spirited Canadian side 64-13 in Welpngton.其中,Trakker杯由新西兰和加拿大争夺,结果全黑队在惠灵顿64-13击败同样生龙活虎的加拿大队。

7.New Zealanders love rugby and are obsessed with their national team, the All Blacks.新西兰人酷爱英式橄榄球,对绰号“黑魔”(AllBlacks)的国家队更是如痴如醉。

8.Other Articles have focused on Golf, F1, The All Blacks, horse racing and the 2012 Olympics.还有一些文章是有关高尔夫、一级方程式、橄榄球、赛马和2012年的奥林匹克运动会。

9.What if the All Blacks don't win?假如全黑对无法获胜呢?