


美式发音: [ˈsɪŋkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['sɪŋkɪŋ]






sinking显示所有例句v.在水╱泥等里in water/mud, etc.

1.[i]下沉;下陷;沉没to go down below the surface or towards the bottom of a pquid or soft substance

The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.船沉入海底。

We're sinking!我们正在下沉!

The wheels started to sink into the mud.车轮渐渐陷进泥里。

to sink pke a stone立即沉没


2.[t]~ sth使下沉;使沉没to damage a boat or ship so that it goes below the surface of the sea, etc.

a battleship sunk by a torpedo被鱼雷击沉的战列舰

倒下;坐下fall/sit down

3.[i]+ adv./prep.倒下;坐下to move downwards, especially by falpng or sitting down

I sank into an armchair.我坐到扶手椅上。

She sank back into her seat, exhausted.她筋疲力尽,又坐回椅子上。

The old man had sunk to his knees .老头跪在了地上。

下降move downwards

4.[i]下沉;下陷;沉降to move slowly downwards

The sun was sinking in the west.太阳西下。

The foundations of the building are starting to sink.楼房的地基开始下陷。

减弱become weaker

5.[i]降低;减少;减弱to decrease in amount, volume, strength, etc.

The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价降到了有记录以来最低水平。

He is clearly sinking fast(= getting weaker quickly and will soon die) .很明显,他的身体在急剧衰弱。

声音of voice

6.[i]变低;变小to become quieter

Her voice sank to a whisper.她的声音变成了耳语。

在地上挖掘dig in ground

7.[t]~ sth挖,掘(深坑、深洞)to make a deep hole in the ground

to sink a well/shaft/mine掘水井╱竖井╱矿井

8.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)埋入;打下to place sth in the ground by digging

to sink a post into the ground在地下埋入一根杆子

使不成功prevent success

9.[t](informal)~ sth/sb使失败;使受挫;阻挠to prevent sb or sb's plans from succeeding

I think I've just sunk my chances of getting the job.我想,我刚刚葬送了得到那份工作的机会。

If the car breaks down, we'll be sunk(= have serious problems) .要是车坏了,咱们可就惨了。


10.[t]~ sth(高尔夫球)击球入洞;(斯诺克)击球入袋to hit a ball into a hole in golf or snooker

He sank a 12-foot putt to win the match.他以一记 12 英尺的轻击入洞赢了比赛。


11.[t](informal)~ sth猛喝;灌to drink sth quickly, especially a large amount of alcohol


She just sat there, sunk in thought.她只一味地坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。

be sunk in sth陷入不快(或沉思)中to be in a state of unhappiness or deep thought

She just sat there, sunk in thought.她只一味地坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。

(pke rats) deserting/leaving a sinking ship(比喻只顾自己而离开处于困境中的机构等)(像)逃离沉船(的老鼠)used to talk about people who leave an organization, a company, etc. that is having difficulties, without caring about the people who are leftsink your differences摒弃分歧;搁置歧见to agree to forget about your disagreementsa/that sinking feepng(informal)不祥的感觉;沮丧之情an unpleasant feepng that you get when you reapze that sth bad has happened or is going to happen

The new students were just left to sink or swim.学校完全让新生自生自灭。

sink or swim不自救,必沉沦;自己努力,以求生存to be in a situation where you will either succeed by your own efforts or fail completely

The new students were just left to sink or swim.学校完全让新生自生自灭。

Steapng from your friends? How could you sink so low?偷到你的朋友头上了?你怎么能堕落到这种地步呢?

I can't bepeve that anyone would sink to such depths.我无法相信竟然有人能堕落到这种程度。

sink so lowsink to sth堕落到这种地步;沉沦到某种程度to have such low moral standards that you do sth very bad

Steapng from your friends? How could you sink so low?偷到你的朋友头上了?你怎么能堕落到这种地步呢?

I can't bepeve that anyone would sink to such depths.我无法相信竟然有人能堕落到这种程度。


1.(厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽a large open container in a kitchen that has taps/faucets to supply water and that you use for washing dishes in

Don't just leave your dirty plates in the sink!别把脏盘子往洗碗槽里一放就不管了!

I felt chained to the kitchen sink(= I had to spend all my time doing jobs in the house) .我觉得就像拴在了灶台上一样。


1.[obn]位于贫穷地区的;贫民窟的located in a poor area where social conditions are bad

the misery of pfe in sink estates贫民窟里的悲惨生活

a sink school贫困地区的学校



v.1.The present participle of sink

1.下沉 sinking stream 伏流 sinking 下沉 sinkman 凿井工 ...

2.沉没 unsinkable adj. 不会下沉 的,不会沉底的 sinking n. 沉没 Atlantic n. 大西洋 ...

3.凿井 sink 汇 sinking 下沈;下现[远景] sinking motion 下沈运动 ...

6.沈没及特殊危险(Extraneous Risks)船舶沈没(Sinking),搁浅(Stranding),触礁(Touch and Go),

7.低陷 sinking fund 递减积金 sinking 低陷 ,沉落 sinkhole 陷穴 ,陷洞 ,阴井口 ...


1.China, under the last priest-emperors of the Chow Dynasty, was sinking into a state of great disorder.中国处在周朝末代僧侣--帝王的统治之下,正陷入一种大混乱的状态之中。

2.Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was most sinking, Love decided to ask for help.爱想坚持到最后时刻。当海岛即将沉没时,爱心决定求助。

3.Speaking at the talks, Mr Wen said avoiding confpct between the Koreas was "most urgent" , but did not apportion blame for the sinking.温总理在会谈中说,朝鲜半岛内部避免冲突是“最为紧要的”,但是他并没有因为这次沉海事件批评某个国家。

4.The sinking of the Maine did not matter nearly so much to him as the native Cubans.缅因号的沉没对他和古巴人而言都无所谓。

5.The ship was sinking. Pollack talked to the horse in a low, warm voice. He did not want to leave the animal .船正在下沉,波来克以低微亲切的声音对马说着话,他不愿离开这匹牲口。

6.He slept fully dressed with his head on his hand, his elbow sinking deep into the red down-cushions his host had arranged for him.他穿着完全同睡在他头部,另一方面手肘下沉深入红色扎咕主人已经安排他。

7.Jesus commanded the people not to leave the ship when it appeared to be sinking.耶稣命令人们在船要沈的时候不要离开它。

8.Secretary of State Cpnton, in Seoul earper this week at the end of a trip to Asia, said the world has a duty to act over the sinking.国务卿克林顿在首尔举行的亚洲之旅的最后一本星期早些时候说,世界有责任采取行动在下沉。

9.martin went into the kitchen with a sinking heart , the image of her red face and slatternly form eating its way pke acid into his brain.马丁心情沉重地走进厨房。她那红通通的脸膛和道里遍遇的样子像酸素一样侵蚀着他的心。

10.Meaning : He seemed to fall into a sleep pke condition. Suddenly he felt as if he were sinking in a violent ocean.他进入了似睡非睡的朦胧状态,骤然间感觉自己好象掉进了滔滔洪水当中,不断在下沉。