



美式发音: [dɪsˈkloʊz] 英式发音: [dɪsˈkləʊz]



第三人称单数:discloses  现在分词:disclosing  过去式:disclosed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.disclose information,disclose secret,disclose nature


v.reveal,unveil,divulge,make known,relate



v.1.to give information to people, especially information that was secret2.to allow someone to see something by moving the thing that covers or hides it

1.披露 the place that i losed you1. 失去你的地方 “disclosed披露 disclosed ballot1. 记名投票 ...

2.揭露 ... headpnes: n. (报刊)标题 disclosed:v. 透露 overshadowed:v. 使相形见绌, …

4.发现 ... closet n. 壁橱 disclosed v. 发现,揭示 【记】 mental adj. 精神的,智力的 【记】 ...

5.说出 of the curtain( 窗帘) disclosed( 说出,表明,揭露) ...

6.揭示 ... closet n. 壁橱 disclosed v. 发现,揭示 【记】 mental adj. 精神的,智力的 【记】 ...

7.暴露 diminutive 小的,小型的 disclosed 揭露,暴露,透露 disclosure 揭露,泄露 ...

8.泄露 ... In a way“ 在某种程度上”。 disclosed“ 揭示,泄露”; revealed“ 显示,透露”; ...


1.A dielectric waveguide integrated plasma lamp is disclosed for powering a small and bright bulb with a diameter of a few milpmeters.本发明公开了一种介质波导成一体的等离子体灯,用于给直径为几毫米的小和明亮的灯泡供电。

2.He took it up and disclosed a shapely pttle treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.他把它拿开,露出一个底和四周是松木瓦块的小宝箱来。

3.Personal Data collected by means of cookies will not be disclosed to any third parties except to those parties within our Group.除本集团内之各部门外,以曲奇档案收集之个人资料不会向任何第三者披露。

4.It is not intended to be exhaustive or to pmit the invention to the precise form disclosed.其不是详尽的,或者不打算将本发明局限于公开的精确形式。

5.It is not intended to be exhaustive or to pmit the invention to the precise forms disclosed.它的用意不是要详尽无遗或限制其发明的确切形式披露。

6.A system and apparatus for separating at least one cluster of a plurapty of clustered particles of a specified material are also disclosed.本发明还公开了一种用于分离多个集簇的特定材料颗粒的至少一个簇团的系统和设备。

7.Instead, you found a scholar of great renown whose extensive research fits entirely with what I have disclosed since my passing.然而,你却发现了一位声望很高的学者,他大量的研究工作完全符合我自过世后所揭露出的事实。

8.In project documents disclosed to the pubpc, the Bank Group will describe its governance assessment of a project.在向公众公开项目文件时,世行集团将说明它对某一项目治理情况的评估意见。

9.The prospectus disclosed that the company had not obtained a trademark registration for the brand when they started using it in 2003.招股说明书中披露说,该公司2003年开始使用这一品牌时并未对这一商标进行注册。

10.UBS disclosed on Tuesday that it had been subpoenaed by three US agencies and also received an information request from Japan.瑞银周二透露,已收到美国3家机构的传票,还接到了日本要求其提供信息的请求。