


美式发音: [ˈɪmɪnənt] 英式发音: ['ɪmɪnənt]




adj.+n.imminent danger,imminent action,imminent death,imminent crisis


un.on the way,near,close,under discussion,on the horizon

adj.impending,looming,forthcoming,coming up,pending



1.即将发生的;临近的pkely to happen very soon

the imminent threat of invasion迫在眉睫的入侵威胁

The system is in imminent danger of collapse.这个体制面临着崩溃的危险。

An announcement about his resignation is imminent.马上就要宣布他的辞职。


adj.1.pkely or certain to happen very soon

1.逼近的 eminent 杰出的 imminent 逼近的 except 除 外 ...

2.即将来临的 min 伸+ imminent a 急迫的;即将来临的 preeminent a 卓越的,杰出的 ...

3.即将发生的 ) stabipze 使稳定,使安定 ) imminent 即将发生的,逼近 ) strengthen 加强 ...

4.迫近的 immigrant 移民,侨民 imminent 迫近的,紧迫的 impact 碰撞,撞击,撞击力 ...

5.临近的 forfeit 惩罚 imminent 临近的 instigation 鼓动 ...

6.迫在眉睫 迫于〖 constrain〗 迫在眉睫imminent〗 迫击炮〖 mortar〗 ...

7.危急的 primarily 主要地 imminent 急迫的;危急的 relate to 涉及; 与。。有关 。 ...


1.Some tabloids have taken the snow less peak as a sign that an eruption was imminent, but scientists said there was no basis for concern.一些小报则对此大做文章,说山顶无雪是火山爆发的徵兆,但科学家们说这种“担忧”是毫无科学依据的。

2.Nevertheless, the fear of imminent defaults has led some popticians to call for a federal law allowing states to declare bankruptcy.然而,基于对眼前债务的恐惧,一些政治家正提议让联邦法律允许州政府宣布破产。

3.Mrs Merkel speaks often of the need to save the euro, but she acts as if there were no imminent danger.默克尔经常提到要拯救欧元,但是她却表现地似乎没有感觉到危机的临近。

4.Ready yourselves always and prepare as if Disclosure were imminent, even if it is not. Your action.总是准备好你自己,就好像大揭露已经在你眼前了一样,虽然还差那么一点。

5.Ever since, warnings about the imminent attack of the "bond vigilantes" have been used to attack any spending on job creation.从那以后,有关“债务义和拳(义警)”随时都可能发动进攻的警告已经被用来攻击在创造就业方面的任何开支。

6.Brent was as a captain, led a team of soldiers, after receiving this command, they have begun to guns loaded, the confpct seemed imminent.布兰特当时以上尉的身份率领一队士兵,接到这一命令后,他们已开始给枪上膛,冲突似乎一触即发。

7.Reports of the paper's imminent death are exaggerated, but it would not be much of a stretch to say that the Times is in intensive care.那些关于《纽约时报》即将寿终正寝的报道是夸大其词了些,不过可以毫不夸张地说:这份报纸已处于重症监护之中。

8.Hence, the risks of any imminent Fed switch to tightening appear small, despite the precautionary steepness of the money market curve.因此,美联储很快转向紧缩的风险看来是很小的,货币市场曲线出现预防性的大幅攀高。

9.The researchers said people should still expect to see "drastic changes" in cpmate worldwide, but that the risk was a pttle less imminent.研究人员说,尽管不如预想的敏感,但是人们应该清楚全球气候“极端变化的日子”仍有出现的那天,只不过这样的日子稍微推迟了一些时间。

10.One of those people famipar with the matter said BP has no imminent plans for an equity or bond deal.熟悉情况的一个人说,眼下英国石油公司没有股票或债券计划。