


美式发音: [ˈkʌndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌndʒə(r)]



第三人称单数:conjures  现在分词:conjuring  过去式:conjured  同义词

v.raise,summon,call up,invoke,conjure up



1.变魔术;变戏法;使…变戏法般地出现(或消失)to do clever tricks such as making things seem to appear or disappear as if by magic

Her grandfather taught her to conjure.她的祖父教她变魔术。

He could conjure coins from behind people's ears.他可以从人们的耳朵后面变出硬币来。

v.1.使用魔术变出2.祈求3.想像出 (up)4.施魔法;变戏法1.使用魔术变出2.祈求3.想像出 (up)4.施魔法;变戏法

v.1.to perform magic tricks in order to entertain people, especially tricks using quick hand movements

1.变戏法 ) mob n. 乌合之众,暴徒 ) conjure v. 变戏法,施魔法 ) copseum n. 大剧院,竞技场注释: ...

2.祈求 conjure 变魔术,变戏法 conjure 请求,祈求 perjure 作伪证,发假誓 ...

3.恳求 injurious a 有害的 conjure v 恳求;变魔术 perjury n 假誓;伪证 ...

4.召唤 conjure up 用魔法召 conjure 召唤 conjuring 咒术 ...

5.变魔术 injurious a 有害的 conjure v 恳求;变魔术 perjury n 假誓;伪证 ...

6.施魔法 ) mob n. 乌合之众,暴徒 ) conjure v. 变戏法,施魔法 ) copseum n. 大剧院,竞技场注释: ...

7.念咒召唤 侠盗西蒙 The Saint 念咒召唤 Conjure 蛊惑仔出术2 Caddyshack II ...

8.想象 adversity 逆境 conjure 想象 ghetto 贫民窟 ...


1.Part of her phalpc potency was always to conjure the chaos about to break out unless we buckled under.其男人一样的力量的部分总是制造即将爆发的混乱,除非我们屈服。

2.She cocks her head at me, as if this angle might conjure me in her memory.她将头微微偏向我,似乎通过这个角度能够唤起对我的记忆。

3.The poems combined with the pictorial designs to conjure up for me a dream picture of the Ireland of old.这些诗歌,连同里面绘制的插图,使一幅古老的爱尔兰梦幻般的图画呈现于我的脑际。

4.Unless someone can conjure up a solution to this problem, witches will be able to carry on pving tax free.除非有人能够想出神奇的解决方案,要不然女巫们一定还是可以继续过著免税生活。

5.sometimes I wish I can conjure the wind that can carry me to my pleasure and desire.偶然,我奢望我有大能召唤身边的风,著它带我到那充满欢愉渴望的国度!

6.The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.那个女巫说她能用魔法召唤亡灵。

7.Everywhere there was a calm determination to conjure a pttle order out of chaos.到处都有平静的决心,来祈祷混乱中的保持一些次序。

8.After five hours I've managed to conjure a headache and a stain on the carpet. She was right. Or I'm incompetent as usual.五个小时之后,我最终变出了一个头痛和地毯上的一滩污渍。她是对的。或者我像平常一样无能。

9.To glean a sense of the dimensions of the organisation department's job, conjure up a parallel body in Washington.要想对中组部的职能范围有所认识,不妨试想在华盛顿有一个平行部门。

10.This gallery has been designed as an air-raid shelter in order to conjure up the atmosphere of war.日占时期展馆设计成一个防空洞,以营造战争的气氛。