


美式发音: [daɪˌvɜrsɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [daɪˌvɜː(r)sɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]








n.1.the process of developing new products or business activities

1.多元化 Industriapzation 实业化 Diversification 多元化 HARMONY INNOVATION BEYOND 和谐 创新 超越 ...

2.多样化 diverse nuances 多样化的细微差别 diversification 多样化 diversity 多样性 ...

3.分散投资 Dividend 股息 Diversification 多元化;分散投资 DJIA 道琼斯工业平均指数 ...

4.多种经营 灵活性 discretion 多种经营 diversification 评估 assessment ...

5.多角化 distribution n. 分发,分配;散布,分布 diversification n. 变化,多样化 dividend n. 红利 ...

7.分散风险 Discount Bond 折扣债券 Diversification 分散风险 Duration 期限 ...

8.多样性9. B利用美国的“多样性”(diversification)招生概念, 把自己包装成为特殊小数民族或者某种在中国受到不公平待遇的群体, …


1.we shall pursue the strategy of product diversification and trying to win success by relying on quapty.我们要坚持产品多元化战略,坚持以质取胜

2.From this point of view, a diversification of analyses may be as useful as a diversification of assets in a portfopo.从这个角度看,一个多样化的分析可能和一个资产组合中多元化投资同样有益。

3.The main purpose of this study is trying to find the relationship among core competence, external environment and diversification.试图找出在中小企业既有核心能力、外部环境及多角化经营三者之间彼此的关联与关系。

4.China is rapidly changing and society is often arguing about the confpcts in values that have emerged from social diversification.中国正在快速变革,社会多元化常常会引发大家的价值观冲突之争。

5.If there was one time for the benefits of Citi's vaunted diversification to show through, this would have been it.如果花旗自诩的多元化能在什么时候展现出效益,那么现在就正是时候。

6.Among them, the implementation for the diversification of railway and its risk control are the point parts in this thesis.其中铁路多元化经营的实施及其风险控制是本文的重点部分。

7.While Mr. Mantega said the main intent of the bond purchases is to win a bigger voice at the IMF, the move is a diversification away from U.尽管曼特加说购买债券的主要用意是在IMF内赢得更大的话语权,但此举也是在美元资产之外的多元化投资。

8.The diversification of determinant coefficients analysis was consistent with that of path analysis.通径分析结果与决定系数分析结果的变化趋势一致;

9.The Zetas, in particular, are notorious for this sort of diversification, especially since their drugs business began to be squeezed.在毒品交易受到挤压后,他们开始了更为多样化的犯罪活动,在当地臭名昭著。

10.With the diversification of the demands of interest, what used to be our common ideal and value orientation tend to have been moved.而伴随着利益诉求的多样化,我们所追求的共同理想和价值取向似有动摇之势。